nares bank是什么意思 nares bank的中文翻译、读音、例句

nares bank是什么意思 nares bank的中文翻译、读音、例句

nares bank通常被翻译为"内尔斯浅滩、太平洋"的意思,还经常被翻译为地名,发音音标为[naresbank],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到52个与nares bank相关的例句。

Nares Bank的翻译


例句:Kids go missing, blood bank van gets jumped. (blood -bank van gets jumped.)


例句:It is now drifting in a remote area called the Nares Strait between Greenland and Canada. (它现在远远的漂流在格林兰和加拿大之间一个叫做纳勒斯海峡的区域。)


例句:If you borrow $100000 from the bank and you can't pay it back, what will the bank do? (如果你向银行贷款十万美金 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}If you borrow $100000 from the bank what will the bank do?)


nares bank一般作为名词使用,如在Nares Bank([地名] 内尔斯浅滩 ( 太平洋 ))、nares(n. [解]鼻孔)、flaring of nares([中医] 鼻张)等常见短语中出现较多。

Nares Bank[地名] 内尔斯浅滩 ( 太平洋 )
naresn. [解]鼻孔
flaring of nares[中医] 鼻张
internal nares内鼻孔
nares atresia鼻腔闭锁症
Nares Deep[网络] 纳雷斯深
nares deeps[网络] 纳雷斯深\n(nares deep 的复数)
nares flaring鼻翼煽动
Nares Land[地名] 内尔斯地 ( 格陵 )
nares posterior后鼻孔


1. If you borrow $100000 from the bank and you can't pay it back, what will the bank do? (翻译:如果你向银行贷款十万美金 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}If you borrow $100000 from the bank what will the bank do?)

2. The bank points out that there are already several tower blocks nearby, and it is the international division of the bank expanding rapidly. (翻译:银行指出 The bank points out that 附近已经有几幢摩天大楼 there are already several tower blocks nearby, 这次是为了银行国际部 and it is the international division of the bank)

3. Japan may have bank alliance. (翻译:日本再有银行结盟消息出现 Japan may have bank alliance,)

4. She works as a bank teller. (翻译:She works as a bank teller. 她是银行出纳)

5. ♪ Pretty girls, cars and bank rolls ♪ (翻译:# Pretty girls, cars and bank rolls #)

6. Create two profiles named bank1 and bank2. (翻译:创建两个名为bank1和bank2的概要。)

7. The wives, the kids and their bank accounts. (翻译:the kids and their bank accounts.)

8. Look at this, his own bank records. (翻译:his own bank records.)

9. Yeah, I got to go to the bank and make a deposit. (翻译:I got to go to the bank and make a deposit.)

10. You want bank computers for evidence? (翻译:你们需要银行的电脑当证据吗 You want bank computers for evidence?)

11. - I have Judith from the bank. (翻译:银行的Judith... 什么? -I have Judith from the bank.)

12. In the one capital trust bank (翻译:有五千万美元的存款 in the One Capital Trust bank)

13. - Ever robbed a bank before? (翻译:Ever robbed a bank before?)

14. Just call the bank, understand? (翻译:只能打电话到银行 明白吗? Just call the bank, understand?)

15. They trained Dobermans to knock off a bank. (翻译:They trained Dobermans to knock off a bank.)

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