narrow band controller是什么意思 narrow band controller的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow band controller是什么意思 narrow band controller的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow band controller的意思是"窄频带控制器",还有范围控制器的意思,发音音标为[narrowbandcontroller],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到97个与narrow band controller相关的例句。

Narrow band controller的词典翻译


例句:Each domain controller maintains a USN that is specific to that domain controller. (每个域控制器都维护特定于该域控制器的USN。)


例句:It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow-necked bottles; (心胸狭隘的人就像小口瓶子; )


narrow band controller一般作为名词使用,如在narrow band([计] 窄带\n[经] 狭小汇率幅度)、narrow band allocation(频带分配)、narrow band amplifier([计] 窄带放大器)等常见短语中出现较多。

narrow band[计] 窄带\n[经] 狭小汇率幅度
narrow band allocation频带分配
narrow band amplifier[计] 窄带放大器
narrow band antenna频带天线
narrow band axis通带轴,狭通带轴
narrow band channel[计] 窄带信道
narrow band charactascope窄带频率特性观测器
narrow band circuit窄频带电路
narrow band filter[计] 窄带滤波器
narrow band interference窄带干扰


1. She was ruining him, ruining the band. (翻译:她在毁灭他 毁灭这个乐队 She was ruining him, ruining the band.)

2. The coherent excitation property of a two-level atom with a hyperfine structure in narrow band laser field (翻译:窄带激光与能级具有超精细结构的二能级原子的相干激发)

3. I also have a small local band. (翻译:我还有个本地乐队 I also have a small locaI band.)

4. Every single air traffic controller (翻译:每一个514航班的 Every single air traffic controller)

5. In the front controller, you told symfony to look for the controller and dispatch the request. (翻译:在前端控制器中,您将要求symfony查找控制器并发送请求。)

6. As most of you know, yesterday ros and I had a narrow escape. (翻译:yesterday ros and I had a narrow escape.)

7. Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel! (翻译:埃格西 接下来左转 走到窄隧道里去! Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel!)

8. Laser light differs from normal light in that it is of a narrow band of colours, with the light waves all oscillating together in synchrony. (翻译:激光和自然光有所不同,它仅包含很窄范围内的色光,光波会发生同步振动。)

9. An improved QRD-LSL interpolation algorithm based on QR-Decomposition is proposed for Narrow-Band-Interference (NBI) suppression in DSSS. (翻译:该文提出应用基于QR分解技术的最小二乘格形插值算法-QRD-LSL插值算法来抑制直扩系统中的窄带干扰;)

10. the coral reefs, a narrow band of sun fed life only found in the shallows of the tropical seas. (翻译:珊瑚礁 它是靠太阳生存的生命构成的狭长地带 只存在于热带海洋的浅水地带)

11. This next song is a local band. (翻译:This next song is a local band.)

12. The location of the plate boundary is marked by the Sunda Trench, a narrow band of very deep water that parallels the Sumatran coast. (翻译:巽他海沟,平行于苏门答腊岛的海岸线,水域狭窄,深不可测,是两个板块分界的标志。)

13. Vitual Logic Controller. (翻译:虚拟逻辑控制器。)

14. A local band or something. (翻译:一个本地的乐队之类的. A local band or something.)

15. # The prison band was there and they began to wail (翻译:∮ The prison band was there and they began to wail 监狱乐队在那儿,且开始悲鸣)

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