narrow beam transducer是什么意思 narrow beam transducer的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow beam transducer是什么意思 narrow beam transducer的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow beam transducer通常被翻译为"狭束换能器"的意思,其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,发音是[narrowbeamtransducer],narrow beam transducer来源于英语,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到36个与narrow beam transducer相关的例句。

Narrow beam transducer的中文翻译


例句:Am I going to be taken away by security again? (某条窄街上的一楼 in a narrow street on the ground floor.)

例句:if we like to obtain the narrow linewidth parametric beam output , applying soft apertures to input pump beam is helpful , but it will also. (如果想获得窄线宽输出,采用软光圈直接输入泵浦光将有助于压缩输出参量光的线宽,代价是转换效率降低。)


narrow beam transducer一般作为名词使用,如在narrow beam([计] 窄电子束)、narrow beam absorption(窄束吸收)、narrow beam antenna(窄波束天线)等常见短语中出现较多。

narrow beam[计] 窄电子束
narrow beam absorption窄束吸收
narrow beam antenna窄波束天线
narrow beam bathymeter窄束水深测量器
narrow beam condition[核] 窄射束条件
narrow beam equation窄束方程
narrow beam geometry窄束几何
narrow beam projector低度光束角照射灯
narrow beam pulse窄束脉冲


1. In the alterative, the integration of the electronic device can occur before the integration of the transducer. (翻译:可选地,电子设备的集成可发生在换能器的集成之前。)

2. So the ultrasonic transducer emits basically an ultrasonic beam that focuses inside the phantom. (翻译:当超声传感器 对着模型内部 发射出一束超声波束)

3. Bimorph flexural piezoelectric ceramic transducer and measurement of its resonance modes (翻译:双迭片弯曲压电陶瓷换能器及振动模态分析测量)

4. One to beam down, Mr. Scott. (翻译:斯科特 送我下去 One to beam down, Mr.)

5. My name´s Nick. Nick Beam. Nice to meet you. (翻译:我叫Nick,Nick Beam 很高兴认识你)

6. Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel! (翻译:埃格西 接下来左转 走到窄隧道里去! Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel!)

7. Calibration of the Energy of an Electron Linac by Measuring the Narrow-beam X-ray Half-value Layer (翻译:窄束X射线半价层测量法标定电子直线加速器的能量)

8. We attach a transducer, in this case, to the brain, but if it will be a different organ, it will be a different transducer attached to the patient. (翻译:装上传感器,这里是针对大脑的 如果是其他的器官 就会用其他不一样的传感器 )

9. Soil moisture transducer Turn your tensiometer into a soil moisture data logger with this transducer unit. (翻译:土壤湿度转换器将张力计转换成土壤湿度记录器。)

10. calculating parameter of the laser beam expander through the laser beam expander calculator automatically. (翻译:以及上述激光扩束计算器自动计算上述激光扩束器的参数。)

11. Very well. Cooper to Enterprise, one to beam up. (翻译:库珀呼叫进取号 请求传送一人 Cooper to Enterprise, one to beam up.)

12. The inductosyn can be used as a speed transducer. (翻译:如改变测量时间,则可作为一种速度传感器使用。)

13. Okay, care to narrow that down a bit? (翻译:好吧,能具体点吗? Okay, care to narrow that down a bit?)

14. - Stay with me forever, Mr Beam. - ls it possible? Do you ever shut up? (翻译:和我永远在一起吧,Beam先生 你能不能够把嘴闭上)

15. We attach a transducer, in this case, to the brain, but if it will be a different organ, it will be a different transducer attached to the patient. (翻译:装上传感器,这里是针对大脑的 如果是其他的器官 就会用其他不一样的传感器)

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