nasal eminence的意思是"医",其次还有"鼻隆起"的意思,发音是[nasaleminence],nasal eminence来源于英语,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到92个与nasal eminence相关的句子。
Nasal eminence的中文翻译
例句:This is what we often say nasal blackhead. (这个就是我们常说的鼻部黑头。)
例句:In some people, nasal steroids cause irritation, crusting, and bleeding of the nasal septum, especially during the winter. (在一些人,鼻类固醇会导致红肿,结痂,鼻中隔出血,尤其是在冬季。)
nasal eminence一般作为名词使用,如在on an eminence(在高处,在高地上)、nasal(①鼻音的②鼻子的 )、eminence of concha(耳甲隆起)等常见短语中出现较多。
on an eminence | 在高处,在高地上 |
nasal | ①鼻音的②鼻子的 |
eminence of concha | 耳甲隆起 |
eminence of scapha | 耳舟隆起 |
frontal eminence | [医]额结节; 额角 |
gain eminence as | 成为着名的…,以…而着称 |
His Eminence | 阁下 |
hypobranchial eminence | [医] 舌联桁 |
hypothenar eminence | [医] 小鱼际 |
1. "Cornhill" referred to his Welsh Hamlet, not the eminence in the City of London. (翻译:“康希尔”指的是他所处的一个威尔士的小村庄,不是伦敦的名流。)
2. Conclusion The nasal endoscope could treat the children nasal polyp with safe and ideal effect. (翻译:结论应用鼻内窥镜治疗儿童上颌窦后息肉安全、效果理想。)
3. Your Eminence, Peter Florrick hit me. (翻译:主教阁下 是彼得·福瑞克打了我 \fn微软雅黑Your Eminence, Peter Florrick hit me.)
4. Then he keeps complaining in that nasal whiny voice. (翻译:而且他还不停地用鼻音很重的 声音嘀嘀咕咕地发牢骚)
5. Don't take my children away, Your Eminence. (翻译:为什么要带走我的孩子们 请您站起来 夫人)
6. That is here, your Eminence, above the falls, in Spanish territory. (翻译:阁下,在这里 在瀑布上游西班牙势力范围内)
7. Determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in kegan nasal drops by HPLC (翻译:HPLC测定克感滴鼻液中盐酸麻黄碱的含量)
8. There has not been a statesman of eminence but was a man of industry. (翻译:他没有成为一个显赫的政治家而是成为工业的一份子。)
9. I start with the nasal hair. (翻译:我会从鼻毛开始 I start with the nasal hair.)
10. But his eminence as a valetudinarian now made him an object of engrossing interest, and Mrs. (翻译:现在他无病呻吟的盛名却使他成了吸引她浓厚兴趣的目标。)
11. The septum articulates caudally with the anterior nasal spine. (翻译:鼻中隔的尾侧端与前鼻棘相接。)
12. Objective To investigate the neoplasty of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea by means of mucoperiosteal flap of nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus. (翻译:目的利用鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣对前颅底部分骨质缺损和脑脊液鼻漏进行修补的研究。)
13. Objective To summarize the experience in the treatment of nasal adhesion after operation in nasal cavity and paranasal sinus. (翻译:目的总结鼻腔、鼻窦手术后鼻腔粘连的治疗经验。)
14. METHODS: We outline a case of a nasal epidermoid occurring post-blunt nasal trauma and its subsequent excision. (翻译:方法:我们大纲一例鼻表皮发生后钝鼻外伤及以后的手术切除。)
15. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the nasal septum is extremely rare. (翻译:摘要鼻中隔腺样囊状癌为一相当罕见的疾病。)