narrow tee是什么意思 narrow tee的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow tee是什么意思 narrow tee的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow tee在英语中代表"小口径三通"的意思,作为名词时有"小口径三通"的意思,发音是[narrowtee],narrow tee常被用作名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到76个与narrow tee相关的例句。

Narrow tee的释义


例句:She was elected by a narrow majority. (她以微弱多数当选。)


narrow tee一般作为名词使用,如在tee(n. T字形, T字形之物, 发球区, 球座, 目标\nvt. 搁在球座上\na. T字形的)、to a tee(恰好地)、narrow(窄的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

teen. T字形, T字形之物, 发球区, 球座, 目标\nvt. 搁在球座上\na. T字形的
to a tee恰好地
narrow into变窄成为…
narrow to[网络] 变窄到
drop tee【铅锤测量】T管吊耳
double tee[化] 四通
flange tee二重交错凸缘
flanged tee法兰三通


1. not so wide as to interfere with action of forelegs, nor so narrow as to allow the front to appear narrow or pinched. (翻译:没有宽到影响前肢动作的程度,也不是太窄,而显得前躯太窄或缩在一起。)

2. Let me see if my girlfriend wants a tee. (翻译:我问问我女朋友想不想要T恤 Let me see if my girlfriend wants a tee.)

3. Reduce radius of synodical arc of tee. (翻译:缩小三通相贯区内拐角处圆弧半径。)

4. Want to buy a cool tee for your girlfriend? (翻译:Hi. Want to buy a cool tee for your girlfriend?)

5. It'll be the name of my son's tee-ball team. (翻译:- 什么队? - 我儿子少儿棒球队的名字)

6. If 'ozo' means yes and the overlord is Tee, it truthfully replies, "ozo." (翻译:如果“哦”是“是”,而回答者是T, 他会诚实地说“哦”。)

7. She's not in Daisy Dukes, nor squeezed into a Hooters tee. (翻译:她穿的不是性感火辣装 也不是Hooters的T恤)

8. And I myself instead regressed several few steps, finally dizzy eyes a black faint in the tee the stage. (翻译:而我自己反而倒退了好几步,最后头晕晕的眼前一黑晕倒在了tee台上。)

9. tee is an instantly recognizable catchphrase to any die hard Seinfeld fan. (翻译:发球是一个即时识别的口号,任何模具努力塞恩菲尔德范。)

10. # To clear the narrow street # (翻译:# To clear the narrow street #)

12. Tee, I know your wife is down there, but up here you're in command. (翻译:田纳西 我知道你老婆在下面 但是这里你是指挥官)

13. Theroad was narrow and slick with mud. (翻译:道路狭窄,满是稀泥。)

14. So, just... enter the names, narrow down the search right off the map. (翻译:So, just... 不如直接打他们的名字 缩小搜索范围 enter the names, narrow down the search right off the map.)

15. The hematoma located in the narrow diastema; (翻译:血肿位于狭窄的腔隙内; )

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