nasal bridge profile的中文解释是"鼻梁形态",在日常中也代表"鼻梁形态"的意思,在线发音:[nasalbridgeprofile],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到43个与nasal bridge profile相关的例句。
Nasal bridge profile的释义
例句:This rice contains a complete nutritional profile. (一粒大米包含了人体所需的 This rice contains a complete nutritional profile.)
nasal bridge profile一般作为名词使用,如在profile bridge(齿廓桥形接触)、nasal tip profile(鼻尖形态)、nasal bridge breadth([人类] 鼻梁宽)等常见短语中出现较多。
profile bridge | 齿廓桥形接触 |
nasal tip profile | 鼻尖形态 |
nasal bridge breadth | [人类] 鼻梁宽 |
nasal bridge salient | 鼻梁凸 |
nasal | ①鼻音的②鼻子的 |
profile | ①侧面②简介 |
in profile | (人的面部)从侧面看 |
bridge | ①桥②桥牌 |
in bridge | 路,并联,跨接 |
1. Objective To investigate the neoplasty of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea by means of mucoperiosteal flap of nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus. (翻译:目的利用鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣对前颅底部分骨质缺损和脑脊液鼻漏进行修补的研究。)
2. Wylie suggested building the fake profile. (翻译:Wylie建议制作假的简历 Wylie suggested building the fake profile.)
3. High profile event, Unattainable demands-- (翻译:高调的举动 并未满足的要求 High profile event, unattainable demands)
4. All have a detailed profile. (翻译:都有详细的个人资料 All have a detailed profile.)
5. Three cases of benign schwannomas originating in the nasal cavity, the nasal-ethmoid, and the pterygopalatine fossa are reported. (翻译:三例良性神经鞘瘤起源于鼻腔,鼻腔,筛窦,和翼腭窝的报告。)
6. CONCLUSION: This nasal insulin spray has no damage to the nasal mucosas of rats. (翻译:结论:上述胰岛素鼻喷雾剂无急性鼻粘膜纤毛毒性。)
7. The tumor presented as an asymptomatic , elastic, dermal nodule with a central opening at the nasal bridge near the left inner canthus. (翻译:此肿瘤位于鼻梁靠近左侧内眼眦处,为一无症状具弹性的真皮小结节,中心在表皮有一小开口。)
8. Uh, bridge, this is Brody. (翻译:报告舰桥 我是Brody Uh, bridge, this is Brody.)
9. Her voice was nasal and penetrating. (翻译:她的声音是带鼻音和有穿透性的。)
10. They switched her under the bridge. (翻译:They switched her under the bridge. 他们在桥下换乘了)
11. There will be no exchange on Glienicke bridge, (翻译:格林尼克桥上不会有什么交换 There will be no exchange on Glienicke Bridge.)
12. This is a quantum entanglement bridge. (翻译:这是量子纠缠桥 This is a quantum entanglement bridge.)
13. We can bridge the divisions that separate as. (翻译:包容并协调分歧 We can bridge the divisions that separate as.)
14. Benji, we are trying to keep a low profile. (翻译:we are trying to keep a low profile.)
15. But cullen fits the profile. (翻译:But Cullen fits the profile. 而且你们知道他还有什么吗?)