neoisolationists是什么意思 neoisolationists的中文翻译、读音、例句

neoisolationists是什么意思 neoisolationists的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:From the outset of our investigation we've known that the Tsunami was caused by the impact of a, a near-earth object, a, an N.E.O. (根据初步调查,海啸是由NEO引发 NEO即近地周边物体)


例句:Is there a reason we're meeting him in neo-Bwana Land instead of his office? (有什么理由让我们在neo -Bwana天地 和他见面而不是他的办公室?)


1. For us to go back to normal, we have to gather information about Z and the New Navy. (翻译:唉 我们想要恢复原状的话 就要收集与NEO海军和Z有关的情报呢)

2. Naito brought you in to extract the neo-cells. (翻译:内藤将你们利用做为实验用材料 从俘虏的尸体身上 抽取实验用的新造细胞)

3. His neo-cell research failed. (翻译:他的新造细胞理论虽然可行 但是研究却没有成功)

4. The attempt to blackball it is neo - McCarthyism. (翻译:试图阻止它的是一股新麦卡锡主义。)

5. In philosophy, he advocates revive Confucianism, is listed as one of the modern neo-confucians. (翻译:在哲学上,他大力倡导复兴儒学,被列为现代新儒家之一。)

6. This is NEO. We have received your resume. We would like to arrange a meeting with you for next Wednesday at 3pm. (翻译:我是NEO公司,我们收到你的简历,希望下周三下午三点与您面谈。)

7. Isolationists and independent-minded cultures like the Corellians did not bow down to Alliance rule. (翻译:像柯瑞利安一样一向有隔离主义和独立倾向的文明拒绝向同盟低头。)

8. I was also touched by that Ain from the New Navy. (翻译:我也被那个NEO海军的艾恩碰到了 这么说来好像是啊)

9. A new sighting from Australia, an N.E.O. Discovered by two astronomers Gibden and Bell. (翻译:在澳洲有新发现 两名天文学家,基顿和贝尔 看见了一颗NEO)

10. The world today is neo-medieval, Mr Khanna believes. (翻译:肯纳先生认为当今世界进入了新中世纪时代。)

11. Morpheus described it as a "dreamworld," but unlike a dream, this world was not the creation of Neo's mind. (翻译:Morpheus将其形容为一个“梦幻世界”,但是和一个梦境有所不同,这个世界并不是Neo大脑的产物。)

12. No, not like Neo from the... like soulmates. (翻译:不 不像那个啥玩意儿里的尼奥 像灵魂伴侣)

13. They are therefore part of an emanationist theory, like that of the kabbalah in the west, or neo - platonism. (翻译:因此它们是散发理论的一部分,像西方的卡巴拉或新柏拉图派哲学。)

14. Bartok is an outstanding Hungarian ethnomusicologist, pianist and composer of the Neo-Nationalism in Music . (翻译:巴托克是匈牙利杰出的民俗音乐学家、钢琴家,也是独特的、新民族乐派作曲家。)

15. I went to Mount Lemmon to see the top NEO hunters in action. (翻译:我来到莱蒙山顶去亲眼看看顶级的近地天体猎人。)

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