mechanical operation是什么意思 mechanical operation的中文翻译、读音、例句

mechanical operation是什么意思 mechanical operation的中文翻译、读音、例句

mechanical operation的意思是"机械操作",作为名词时有"机"的意思,读音为[mechanicaloperation],mechanical operation常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到81个与mechanical operation相关的例句。

Mechanical operation的词典翻译


例句:Mechanical obstruction may require operation for repair of common bile duct stricture or for gallstones. (机械性梗阻可能需要手术以修复胆总管狭窄或除去胆石。)


例句:- on the wider operation and on Odin. (-关于更大的行动 还有Odin -出去 -on the wider operation and on Odin.)


mechanical operation一般作为名词使用,如在mechanical(机械学的 )、in operation(运转着, 生效\n[法] 正在实施)、into operation([网络] 使开始使用;使投入生产;进入运转状态)等常见短语中出现较多。

in operation运转着, 生效\n[法] 正在实施
into operation[网络] 使开始使用;使投入生产;进入运转状态
it operationiT 维运
not and operationun. “非与”运算
electrical and mechanical电力和机械的
electro mechanicaladj. [电][机] 电动机械的,[机] 机电的
magneto mechanical磁-机械的
mechanical ability机械能力
mechanical abrasion[医] 机械性擦伤


1. AILERON FORCE LIMITER, An electro-mechanical device for limiting the control wheel movement by the autopilot during autopilot operation. (翻译:副翼操纵力限制器,一种机电装置。在自动驾驶工作期间,用来限制驾驶盘的动作量。)

2. (chuckles) It was actually just a mechanical hand. (翻译:其实吧 It was actually 那就是一条机械手臂而已 just a mechanical hand.)

3. There was a tobacco operation. (翻译:那里有个非法的烟草营销团伙 There was a tobacco operation.)

4. "Vortexing" can cause unstable pump operation, vibration, pulsation and severe mechanical damage. (翻译:“涡流”可能会导致泵运行不稳定、振动、跳动和严重的机械破坏。)

5. The operation is progressing as planned. (翻译:行动按计划进行中 The operation is progressing as planned.)

6. Sim Lan, go prepare things for operation of Mr. Genius (翻译:go prepare things for operation of Mr. Genius)

7. Conclusion: Mechanical obstruction and digestive tract bleeding were the main operation indication for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. (翻译:结论机械性肠梗阻、消化道出血是外科治疗黑斑息肉综合征的主要适应症。)

8. You must ensure the success of the operation. (翻译:You must ensure the success of the operation.)

9. Had some mechanical problems. (翻译:飞机出了机械故障 {\3cH202020}Had some mechanical problems.)

10. Oh, do things she likes to do (翻译:[Mechanical Whirring, Chiming])

11. - We know about Operation Troy. (翻译:我们知道特洛伊行动 We know about Operation Troy.)

12. OK, but your people threaten to shut down my operation. (翻译:but your people threaten to shut down my operation.)

13. An intimate boarder with mechanical skills. (翻译:一个好心房客的机械技能。An intimate boarder with mechanical skills.)

14. The operation went really well. (翻译:手术非常成功 The operation went really well.)

15. "This is not a safety-related matter in terms of the operation of the aircraft or in terms of the mechanical adequacy of the aircraft," said board spokesman John Cottreau from Ottawa. (翻译:“这不是一件与飞机安全操作或飞机机械故障相关的事件。”安全局发言人约翰寇特如在渥太华如此说。)

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