network governance是什么意思 network governance的中文翻译、读音、例句

network governance是什么意思 network governance的中文翻译、读音、例句

network governance的意思是"网络治理",在日常中也代表"网络治理"的意思,读音为[networkgovernance],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到58个与network governance相关的句子。

Network governance的释义


例句:The ESB must also be factored into governance decisions. (还必须将esb考虑进治理决策中。)


network governance一般作为名词使用,如在network governance paradigm(网路管理范式)、governance(统治 )、it governance([网络] 资讯治理;资讯科技治理;资讯技术治理)等常见短语中出现较多。

network governance paradigm网路管理范式
it governance[网络] 资讯治理;资讯科技治理;资讯技术治理
economic governance[网络] 经济治理;经济治理领域;经济管理行为
disorganized governance失序治理
environmental governance环境治理
enterprise governance企业治理机制
electronic governance电子治理
global governance[网络] 全球治理;全球管理;全球性治理


1. Governance of changes and versions for services are crude and unrefined. (翻译:服务的更改和版本治理非常粗糙并且未定义。)

2. The RACI matrix is one of the artifacts of a governance solution. (翻译:RACI 矩阵是治理解决方案中的工件之一。)

3. Because there is this asymmetry, which creates, basically, failing governance. (翻译:这种不对称性的存在, 基本上导致了 无能失策的政府。)

4. On an external network signal-- but we can't. (翻译:外部网络 但一直做不到 on an external network signal)

5. The network structure of PBCA is a mixed structure composed of feed-forward network and feedback network. (翻译:从网络结构上看,它是一种混合型的神经网络,由下面三层的前馈网络和上层的反馈网络组成。)

6. How does Britain benefit from a deterioration of the road network? (翻译:显然 公路衰退又怎会有益于国家呢? How does Britain benefit from a deterioration of the road network?)

7. The governance of URT is a portion of public affairs governance, which involves multiple governance bodies. (翻译:城市轨道交通领域属于公共事务治理范畴,涉及到多个治理主体。)

8. Governance subprocess for service testing. (翻译:用于服务测试的治理子流程。)

9. Wanli, Geng keep the money if the Riverside, with different governance. (翻译:明朝万历年间,钱若赓在临江当太守,有许多突出的政绩。)

10. It was proven on the Science Network. (翻译:在科学网路上证实了 A medical test was done by the Science network 小心看路 Honey, just watch the road.)

11. to place bombs on the London transport network. (翻译:在伦敦的交通运输系统中释放人体炸弹 to place bombs on the London transport network.)

12. Mr. Zuckerberg registered the domain name The Facebook via Network Solutions. (翻译:扎克伯格先生在Network Solution上 注册了Facebook的域名)

13. We need to understand that the governance structure in the world is fossilized. (翻译:要知道,世界现有的执政结构已经陈腐僵化。)

14. And governance relates to the oversight of companies by their boards and investors. (翻译:而管理则代表 董事会和投资人对公司的监督。)

15. These places, these origins, represent governance gaps. (翻译:这些地点,这些原产点, 有管理上的漏洞。)

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