neuron secretorium是什么意思 neuron secretorium的中文翻译、读音、例句

neuron secretorium是什么意思 neuron secretorium的中文翻译、读音、例句

neuron secretorium通常被翻译为"分泌神经元"的意思,还经常被翻译为分泌神经元,发音是[neuronsecretorium],neuron secretorium常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到39个与neuron secretorium相关的例句。

Neuron secretorium的中文翻译


例句:We are beginning to understand that the motor neuron may have a novel mechanism for degenerating. (我们开始了解,运动神经元的退化可能透过了一个新奇的机制。)


neuron secretorium一般作为名词使用,如在Neuron secretorium(分泌神经元)、neuron(神经元 )、dominant neuron(优势神经元)等常见短语中出现较多。

Neuron secretorium分泌神经元
dominant neuron优势神经元
dopaminergic neuron多巴胺能神经元
distributing neuron[医] 分布神经元
effector neuron[医] 效应神经元
efferent neuron[医] 传出神经元
electromotor neuron电动神经原
excitatory neuron兴奋性神经元
expiratory neuron唿气神经元


1. Combination of neuroprotective agents inhibited neuron apoptosis in focal ischemic area of rat with MCAO (翻译:联合应用神经保护剂抑制大鼠局灶性脑缺血后的神经元凋亡)

2. And so when the green neuron wants to communicate, it wants to send a message to the red neuron, it spits out neurotransmitter. (翻译:当绿色神经元想进行沟通 想给红色神经元发送信息 它就释放出神经递质 )

3. But it's still true that a neuron, a nerve cell, looks the same in a crayfish, a bird or you. (翻译:可是不管是鸟类,小龙虾, 还是你, 你们都有着一样的神经元和神经细胞。)

4. and she says, "The neuron? The neuron," and then she looked and did this. (翻译:她说,“神经元?神经元?” 然后她看了看做了这个。)

5. And in fact you need one laptop to do all the calculations just for one neuron. (翻译:实际上一台笔记本电脑 只够计算一个神经元用的。)

6. In this diagram, every node is a neuron, and every line is a connection. (翻译:在这幅图里,每个结都是一个神经元 每一条线都是一个连接)

7. and she says, "The neuron? The neuron," and then she looked and did this. (翻译:她说,“神经元?神经元?” 然后她看了看做了这个。)

8. Gliacyte was more sensitive than neuron. A small number of enveloped virions were observed in nucleus and cytoplasm of gliacyte and neuron. (翻译:胶质细胞内的核衣壳多于神经元,胶质细胞和神经元的细胞质内和胞外可见少量有包膜的完整病毒。)

9. What does the new research in the magazine Neuron suggest? (翻译:《神经元》杂志上的新研究表明了什么? )

10. There are 100 sensors, each listening to a different brain cell or neuron. (翻译:那有100个传感器 每个都听命于不同的脑细胞或神经元)

11. And you can see that the green neuron touches the red neuron at two locations, and these are what are called synapses. (翻译:你们可以看到绿色神经元与红色神经元 在两处接触了 这两个就是神经突触 )

12. Let's zoom in on one synapse, and keep your eyes on the interior of the green neuron. (翻译:我们把一个神经突触放大 大家注意看绿色的内部)

13. The scientific nitty-gritty appears in the journal Neuron this week. (翻译:科学真相刊登在了本周的“神经元”期刊上。)

14. So there is no neuron in my brain that is the same as another, and there is no neuron in my brain that is the same as in yours. (翻译:我大脑中的每个神经元都不相同, 我大脑中的神经元也不会和你的一样。)

15. And so when the green neuron wants to communicate, it wants to send a message to the red neuron, it spits out neurotransmitter. (翻译:当绿色神经元想进行沟通 想给红色神经元发送信息 它就释放出神经递质)

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