neutral protamine hagedorn是什么意思 neutral protamine hagedorn的中文翻译、

neutral protamine hagedorn是什么意思 neutral protamine hagedorn的中文翻译、

neutral protamine hagedorn在中文中有"中效低精蛋白胰岛素"的意思,其次还有"中效低精蛋白胰岛素"的意思,读音为[neutralprotaminehagedorn],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到35个与neutral protamine hagedorn相关的例句。

Neutral protamine hagedorn的翻译


例句:Referee Jersey Joe Walcott is trying to get Ali to a neutral corner. (裁判要阿里回到中立角 Referee Jersey Joe Walcott is trying to get Ali to a neutral corner.)


neutral protamine hagedorn一般作为名词使用,如在hagedorn([医]扁头针; [人名] 哈格多恩)、protamine(鱼精蛋白 )、Hagedorn needle([医] 哈格多恩氏扁头针)等常见短语中出现较多。

hagedorn[医]扁头针; [人名] 哈格多恩
Hagedorn needle[医] 哈格多恩氏扁头针
Hagedorn temperature[网络] 哈格多恩温度
protamine insulin[医] 精蛋白胰岛素
protamine insulinate鱼精蛋白胰岛素
protamine nucleinate[医] 精蛋白核酸酯
protamine sulfate[化] 硫酸鱼精蛋白
salmosalar protamine鲑精蛋白


1. Structural Determination in MALDI by Examination of the Neutral Spectrum (翻译:在MALDI分析中,通过检查中性质谱进行结构测定)

2. A tame animal with a neutral attitude, are not good for IBOPE. (翻译:中立态度的混合物 温和却总是吐出污言秽语)

3. But it turns out that the logic of the support group is value neutral. (翻译:但是到头来,对支持团体的合理解释是中性的。)

4. The original meaning of inculcation is delivering, and it is a neutral concept. (翻译:灌输的本义是“输送”,它是个中性的概念。)

5. And the first one to seal the deal wins? (翻译:We will travel to a neutral city where a panel of international judges...)

6. Their government is one of the first to commit to be carbon neutral by 2021. (翻译:他们的政府是最早承诺 在xx年之前做到碳中和的政府之一.)

7. The perfect neutral is taupe. (翻译:灰褐色是最完美的中性颜色。)

8. And they're pretty neutral as far as giving compliments goes. (翻译:而且一般在赞美的时候 都是比较中立的着眼点。)

9. With a neutral gray wedges inspection flatbed on neutral gray color restore capabilities, and on wedges performance density-level changes. (翻译:用中性灰梯尺检验平板扫描仪对中性灰颜色还原能力以及对梯尺密度级变化的表现能力。)

10. While protamine inhibit or kill bacteria, bacteria are induced a variety of mechanisms to resist it. (翻译:在鱼精蛋白抑制细菌的同时,细菌也产生多种机制对抗鱼精蛋白。)

11. Let's meet on neutral territory. (翻译:我们在中立地区会面吧。)

12. The guillotine is the concretion of the law; it is called vindicte; it is not neutral, and it does not permit you to remain neutral. (翻译:断头台是法律的具体表现,人们又叫它是“镇压”,它不是中立的,也不容许你保持中立。)

13. So the tax is supposed to be fiscally neutral. (翻译:所以这项税款在财政方面应该是中立的。)

14. Please come here to speak on neutral ground. (翻译:请到中立地点这里来谈谈。Please come here to speak on neutral ground.)

15. With the dinner table operating as a neutral territory. (翻译:把餐桌当做 With the dinner table 中立领土 operating as a neutral territory.)

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