nezumia proxima是什么意思 nezumia proxima的中文翻译、读音、例句

nezumia proxima是什么意思 nezumia proxima的中文翻译、读音、例句

nezumia proxima的中文解释是"原始奈氏鳕",还经常被翻译为鳕鱼,单词读音音标为[nezumiaproxima],nezumia proxima来源于英语,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到95个与nezumia proxima相关的句子。

Nezumia proxima的词典翻译


例句:That planet around Proxima Centauri, last year it got blasted by a flare. (围绕比邻星的那颗行星, 去年被一个耀斑烤焦了。)


例句:They had the go-ahead to use the gravity drive to open the gateway to Proxima Centauri and then, they just disappeared. (然后获准发动引力推进器 打开到近纪时间区的通道 跟着 船就消失了)


nezumia proxima一般作为名词使用,如在Nezumia(尼楚鳕)、Proxima(n. [天](半人马座)比邻星(亦作 Proxima Centauri))、nezumia coheni(科氏奈氏鳕;鳕鱼)等常见短语中出现较多。

Proximan. [天](半人马座)比邻星(亦作 Proxima Centauri)
nezumia coheni科氏奈氏鳕;鳕鱼
nezumia condylura狮鼻奈氏鳕;鳕鱼
nezumia evides俊奈氏鳕;鳕鱼
nezumia loricata锉鳞奈氏鳕;鳕鱼
nezumia spinosa长棘奈氏鳕;鳕鱼
euselates proxima叉斑陷纹金龟
proxima cause近因(保险用语)


1. ...and we're preparing to engage the gravity drive, and open the gateway to Proxima Centauri. (翻译:正在准备发动引力推进器 打开通往近纪时空区的通道)

2. The next-closest known star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, located 4.2 light years away. (翻译:距太阳第二近的恒星是比邻星,距离为4.2光年。)

3. Moreover, given ingenious mission design, it might be possible to visit the nearby red dwarf star Proxima Centauri as well. (翻译:不仅如此,若项目设计精妙,它可能也能访问附近的红矮星比邻星。)

4. The nearest star, Proxima Centauri, has a planet orbiting it not much bigger than Earth. (翻译:有一颗大小与地球相近的行星围绕着距离太阳最近的恒星——半人马座比邻星运转。)

5. where they'll be kept for hybridization and transplantation once we reach Proxima. (翻译:在那里他们将保持 用于杂交和移植 一旦我们达到比邻。)

6. Otherwise, nothing will grow, and we'll get to Proxima... (翻译:否则,什么都不会增长,我们会得到比邻...)

7. An international team of scientists found the planet moving around the star called "Proxima Centauri". (翻译:一个国际科学家团队发现这颗行星围绕着被称为“比邻星”的恒星运行。)

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