nicotine hemochromogen是什么意思 nicotine hemochromogen的中文翻译、读音、例句

nicotine hemochromogen是什么意思 nicotine hemochromogen的中文翻译、读音、例句

nicotine hemochromogen通常被翻译为"烟碱血色原、烟硷血色原"的意思,作为名词时有"化"的意思,在线发音:[nicotinehemochromogen],nicotine hemochromogen是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到86个与nicotine hemochromogen相关的例句。

Nicotine hemochromogen的词典翻译


例句:There is an invisible prison that traps people into the trap of Nicotine. (有一种无形的监狱 是允许的 持有人 尼古丁的陷阱。)


例句:The nicotine inhaler is sometimes used in combination with the nicotine patch and other quit-smoking products. (尼古丁吸入器经常与尼古丁贴片和其他戒烟产品联合使用。)


例句:You wanna suffocate me with strong nicotine? (本来脑筋就不好使 给我这么毒的想让我死吗)


例句:Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries. (翻译:尼古丁对心脏和动脉功能有负面影响。)


nicotine hemochromogen一般作为名词使用,如在hemochromogen(n. [生化]血色原, 血色本质)、hemoglobin hemochromogen([医] 血红蛋白血色原)、phenylethylimidaszole hemochromogen(苯乙基咪唑血色原)等常见短语中出现较多。

hemochromogenn. [生化]血色原, 血色本质
hemoglobin hemochromogen[医] 血红蛋白血色原
phenylethylimidaszole hemochromogen苯乙基咪唑血色原
pyridine hemochromogen[医] 吡啶血色原
nicotine acid烟硷酸
nicotine bitartrate[医] 重酒石酸烟硷
nicotine compounds烟硷化合物
nicotine content泥古丁含量
nicotine ferroprotoporphyrin烟碱血红素


1. You wanna suffocate me with strong nicotine? (翻译:本来脑筋就不好使 给我这么毒的想让我死吗)

2. Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries. (翻译:尼古丁对心脏和动脉功能有负面影响。)

3. You are given capsules or pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from the habit. (翻译:会给你一些含有少量尼古丁的胶囊或药片帮你戒瘾。)

4. Man, this nicotine gum is like chewing on a tire. (翻译:Plaskeet的家 圣安格鲁 加州 哎 这戒烟口香糖就像是胶皮)

5. think each of you believe nicotine is not addictive and just would like to have this for the record. (翻译:我认为你们没人相信 尼古丁会上瘾,只需纪录下来)

6. In other words, and to quote a past FDA commissioner, "Nicotine addiction ... is a pediatric disease." (翻译:或者,我引用 一位前药监局专员的话, ”尼古丁上瘾是一种儿科疾病。” )

7. Smoking poses a risk, because the nicotine in cigarettes relaxes the LES. (翻译:吸烟也构成了威胁, 因为香烟中的尼古丁会使 LES 松弛。)

8. Tobacco products uniquely contain and deliver nicotine, a potent drug with a variety of physiological effects." (翻译:香烟制品独一无二地 包含并投送尼古丁, 一种具有多种生理效应的强效药物。” )

9. Then there's the nicotine stains on your shaking fingers. (翻译:你颤抖的手指上有尼古丁痕迹 这种迹象我最懂了)

10. No drugs, recreational or otherwise, and no evidence of nicotine. (翻译:没有毒品和迷幻药物之类的成分 也没有尼古丁)

11. Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant. (翻译:尼古丁既是一种兴奋剂也是一种镇定剂。)

12. Nicotine enters the body, and also have to leave the body, because if the moririas. (翻译:尼古丁进入你的身体 也需要走出去 否则你死。)

13. While not spiking nicotine, they clearly manipulate it. (翻译:在不增加尼古丁情况下 他们很巧妙地控制它)

14. In larger doses, nicotine is a highly toxic poison, used as an insecticide, fumigant, and vermifuge. (翻译:大剂量的尼古丁有剧毒,用作杀虫剂、熏蒸剂和驱虫药。)

15. Nicotine did not are generquite friend enough to spur tumor migrine on its own. at smorninge time scientists don't yet know which molecules nicotine pgood artners with to do so. (翻译:尼古丁自已仿佛没有足以安慰肿瘤的迁移,尼古丁。迷信家还不真切是什么分子同尼古丁团结完成这些迁移。焦油。)

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