nightfangs是什么意思 nightfangs的中文翻译、读音、例句

nightfangs是什么意思 nightfangs的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Their wives are exchanging smiles but it is a baring of fangs. (他们的妻子正在交换笑容 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Their wives are exchanging smiles 其实是在展示獠牙。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}but it is a baring of fangs.)


例句:Oh, but it was a beautiful night. (but it was a beautiful night.)


例句:BE, played cards to beat a night last night (played cards to beat a night last night)


1. BE, played cards to beat a night last night (翻译:played cards to beat a night last night)

2. Fever all through the night (翻译:Fever all through the night)

3. We just need to scare the fangs out of the kid. (翻译:我们只要吓唬吓唬他 尖牙就长出来了 We just need to scare the fangs out of the kid.)

4. That haunts you night and day (翻译:That haunts you night and day)

5. They have no claws, no fangs, no wings. (翻译:它们没有爪子,没有尖牙,没有翅膀。)

6. ♪ Late last night Not the night before ♪ (翻译:Late last night Not the night before Not Last Night But the Night Before这是一首儿歌,就是在外面玩的时候唱的 Twenty)

7. Then they started to grow fangs and their eyes became green. (翻译:然后他们开始长出牙齿... ...他们的眼睛也变成了绿色)

8. But, yes, like most creatures with fangs, the Moroi live off blood. (翻译:但是 和大部分有尖牙的生物一样 莫里族需要以吸血为生)

9. Black, the night that ends at last! (翻译:the night that ends at last!)

10. By morning, night and noon (翻译:By morning, night and noon)

11. There was something in the air that night (翻译:There was something in the air that night)

12. (Laughter) So no weapons, no speed, no strength, no fangs, no claws. (翻译:因此,没有武器,没有速度,没有力量,没有尖牙,没有利爪。)

13. In the cold, dark night before the battle when the steely fangs of evil are sharpened and points to strike the hero must go and face his greatest challenge alone. (翻译:在战斗开始前的黑夜里 当坏人的钢牙... ...磨得锋利 准备袭击的时候... ...英雄必须独自去面对 他的最大的挑战)

14. And one of the vampires bit the tallest building and his fangs broke off. (翻译:其中一只吸血鬼咬了最高的那一幢楼 结果把他的牙咯掉了)

15. They want a promise ring with fangs... so I give it to them. (翻译:她们想要吸血尖牙作为定情信物 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}They want a promise ring with fangs.)

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