As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word or abbreviation 'niihama' from at least four aspects and provide five examples in both English and Chinese.
1. Pronunciation: 'niihama' is pronounced as 'nee-hah-mah'. It has a clear and simple pronunciation which can be easily remembered by English learners.
2. Meaning: 'niihama' can refer to a few different things depending on the context. It is either a place name, a brand name, or an abbreviation for a longer phrase. For example, Niihama is a city in Japan, Niihama steel is a company that produces steel products, and NIIHAMA stands for "National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Human-Agent Interaction Laboratory" in Japan.
3. Spelling: 'niihama' is spelled with two 'n's and two 'a's. It is important to emphasize the spelling to prevent learners from misspelling it as 'nihama' or 'nihamma'.
4. Cultural significance: 'niihama' is a unique word that reflects Japanese culture and language. Introducing this word to learners can broaden their understanding of different languages and cultures.
Example sentences:
1. I visited Niihama City last year and was fascinated by its beautiful coastline. (我去年访问了新居滨市,并被其美丽的海岸线所吸引。)
2. The Niihama Steel Company is one of the largest producers of steel products in Japan. (新居浜钢铁公司是日本最大的钢铁产品生产商之一。)
3. NIIHAMA is a research institution that studies human-agent interaction in Japan. (NIIHAMA是日本研究人与人工智能交互的研究机构。)
4. Can you spell 'niihama' correctly? (你能正确拼写“niihama”吗?)
5. Learning about 'niihama' is a great way to expand your knowledge of Japanese language and culture. (学习“niihama”是扩展你对日本语言和文化了解的好方法。)
1. 新居浜市の夏祭りはとても楽しいです。(Niihama-shi no natsumatsuri wa totemo tanoshii desu.) - 新居浜市的夏季祭典非常有趣。
2. 新居浜市役所へ行くにはどうすればいいですか。(Niihama-shi yakusho e iku niwa dō sureba ii desu ka.) - 要去新居浜市政府要怎么做?
3. 新居浜市は工場が多く、産業が発展しています。(Niihama-shi wa kōjō ga ōku, sangyō ga hatten shite imasu.) - 新居浜市拥有众多工厂,产业发展良好。
4. 新居浜市には美味しいお寿司屋がたくさんあります。(Niihama-shi niwa oishii osushiya ga takusan arimasu.) - 新居浜市有许多美味的寿司店。
5. 新居浜市は海が近く、海産物が豊富です。(Niihama-shi wa umi ga chikaku, kaisanbutsu ga hōfu desu.) - 新居浜市靠近海洋,海鲜资源丰富。
6. 新居浜市の旅館は観光客に人気があります。(Niihama-shi no ryokan wa kankōkyaku ni ninki ga arimasu.) - 新居浜市的旅馆备受游客青睐。
7. 新居浜市には歴史的な建物が多く、見どころがたくさんあります。(Niihama-shi niwa rekishiteki na tatemono ga ōku, midokoro ga takusan arimasu.) - 新居浜市有许多历史建筑,有很多值得一游的地方。
8. 新居浜市の人々は親切で、暖かいです。(Niihama-shi no hitobito wa shinsetsu de, attakai desu.) - 新居浜市的居民友善热情。
9. 新居浜市の公園はきれいで、自然が豊かです。(Niihama-shi no kōen wa kirei de, shizen ga yutaka desu.) - 新居浜市的公园美丽,自然资源丰富。
1. Niihama is known for its beautiful beaches and traditional Japanese festivals. (新居浜以其美丽的海滩和传统的日本节日而闻名。)
2. My grandfather was born and raised in Niihama, and he always tells us stories about his childhood there. (我的祖父在新居浜出生长大,他总是给我们讲他在那里的童年故事。)
例句:Well, would you have liked a ham sandwich? (你想吃个火腿三明治吗? Well, would you have liked a ham sandwich?)
例句:"In this way, it can go from the chaos of" How to debone a ham? (通过这种方式,它可以从混乱“如何去骨火腿?” )
Niihama | 新居滨[日本四国岛北岸港市] |
1. It's a little ham on TV, a little glazed ham. (翻译:这是一个小电视上火腿, 一点点的釉面火腿。)
2. Not to pry or anything, but why is there a large smoked ham under the stairs? (翻译:不是想打听什么 但是为什么楼梯底下 有一块巨型烟熏火腿?)
3. Hey, bring me back some ham, would you? (翻译:嘿 给我带点火腿肉行吗? 烤过的 Hey, bring me back some ham, would you?)
4. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. (翻译:他有三个儿子:闪、含、和雅弗。)
5. Ham, you must stay here in Yarmouth. (翻译:哈姆,你必须守在雅茅斯。)
6. Study on the new compound color fixatives on the salted square ham (翻译:新型复合护色剂及其在盐水方腿中的应用研究)
7. Quality check, the boss said to taste all products, then move the ham to the do-it-yourself shelf and the do-it-yourself objects to the shelf for ham. (翻译:质量检查,老板说 品尝所有的产品, 然后将火腿 在做它,自己动手架 和做自己动手的对象 到搁板为火腿。)
8. He had three sons shem ham and japheth. (翻译:他有三个儿子:闪、含、和雅弗。)
9. - I can give you ham and eggs, bacon and... - I'll take ham and eggs. (翻译:我可以给你们火腿蛋熏肉鸡蛋 那我就来点火腿蛋)
10. There's sherry, ham, and what is that other flavor? (翻译:汤里加了雪莉酒 火腿 那股淡淡的味道是什么)
11. Tinned ham, tinned peas, tinned beans and... (翻译:火腿罐头,豌豆罐头, 豌豆罐装, 豆子罐头以及...)
12. -We brought some ham...props. (翻译:-You came as extras? -We brought some ham... props.)
13. NII STALI JSC is the leading Russian institution in development, manufacturing and selling of protection means. (翻译:NII STALI JSC是俄罗斯在开发、制造和销售防卫装备方面领先的科研机构。)
14. Steak and macaroni and cheese and ham Alfredo. (翻译:牛排,通心粉,奶酪,还有火腿意大利酱汁面)
15. And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. (翻译:含的儿子是古实、埃及、弗和迦南。)