no cost item是什么意思 no cost item的中文翻译、读音、例句

no cost item是什么意思 no cost item的中文翻译、读音、例句

no cost item通常被翻译为"无代价项目"的意思,其中文解释还有"无代价项目"的意思,读音为[nocostitem],no cost item常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到31个与no cost item相关的例句。

No cost item的释义


例句:I just said illegals cost money. (I just said illegals cost money.)


no cost item一般作为名词使用,如在no cost(无代价)、on cost(按照成本,间接成本,间接费用)、the cost([网络] 费用;代价;成本)等常见短语中出现较多。

no cost无代价
on cost按照成本,间接成本,间接费用
the cost[网络] 费用;代价;成本
the cost of[网络] 的费用;的成本;的花费
to ... cost[网络] 花费;使失去
differential cost[经] 差别(差量)成本
diminishing cost[经] 递减成本
direct cost[化] 直接成本(包括原材料、工时等)\n[经] 直接成本
economic cost[经] 经济成本, 便宜的成本, 节约的成本
economical cost最低成本


1. In our annual state of the relationship summit. Item 29: (翻译:现在咱们的恋爱年度峰会 就剩最后一项议题了)

2. You cost me a lot of money. (翻译:浪费了我那么多钱 You cost me a lot of money.)

3. - And that it cost $1,200 to make. (翻译:- Yes, it has. - And that it cost $1,200 to make.)

4. Why aren't we talking to people, letting them know Item 9 exists? (翻译:为什么我们不去告诉人们 还有9号试验品这样的好东西?)

5. - How much did all this cost? (翻译:总造价多少? 加上放射治疗仪和监护仪 Howmuch did all this cost?)

6. Item parceling, parcel, structural equation model. (翻译:项目组合项目小组结构方程模型。)

7. - Guess it must have cost a ton. (翻译:- 这要不少钱吧 - 别老谈这个 - Guess it must have cost a ton.)

8. Mercedes-Benz Actros Held the Belt in Xinjiang LPG Transport Item (翻译:梅赛德斯-奔驰Actros夺得新疆液化气运输项目标王)

9. Prior to inspection clean the area as required to accomplish CPCP Basic Task Item 3. (翻译:在进行检查之前,根据需要清洁相关区域以完成CPCP基本工作第3项。)

10. Application of Construct Item Effecting Appraise in Mountain Lao Eco-tourism Exploitage (翻译:建设项目影响评价在崂山生态旅游开发中的应用)

11. That is why they cost 10,000 rupees each. (翻译:所以每条售价一万卢比 That is why they cost 10,000 rupees each.)

12. Well, it will cost more than nothing. (翻译:其实还是得花点钱的 Well, it will cost more than nothing.)

13. NATO country codes and National Item Identification Numbers, or NIINs. (翻译:北约国家代码和国家物品识别编号 简称NIINs)

14. You will find out the cost of friendship. (翻译:看看这份友谊要价几何 You will find out the cost of friendship.)

15. How much is this gonna cost me? (翻译:你要我付出什么代价? How much is this gonna cost me?)

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