no strings是什么意思 no strings的中文翻译、读音、例句

no strings是什么意思 no strings的中文翻译、读音、例句

no strings通常被翻译为"无附带条件的"的意思,在英美地区还有"无附带条件的"的意思,在线发音:[nostrings],no strings来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到40个与no strings相关的例句。

No strings的翻译


例句:Mr. Hamilton will pull some strings, right? (先生。汉密尔顿会拉 一些字符串,对吧?)


no strings一般作为名词使用,如在strings(n. 附带条件, 弦乐部分, 弦乐器)、the strings([网络] 弦乐;弦乐器;纽带阁)、Dirac strings([网络] 狄拉克弦)等常见短语中出现较多。

stringsn. 附带条件, 弦乐部分, 弦乐器
the strings[网络] 弦乐;弦乐器;纽带阁
Dirac strings[网络] 狄拉克弦
double strings双连绝缘子串
dou for strings弦乐二重奏
drawing stringsn. 细绳;拉带
duo for strings弦乐二重奏
flour strings[网络] 面条;中国挂面
heart strings[网络] 心弦;心索;一条心


1. What are these yellow strings in the broth? (翻译:这又是什么? 藏在汤汁下的黄色条状物是?)

2. So, as you can see in this prototype, gigantic piano strings, each string is controlled with a little robotic element -- either little bows that stroke the strings, propellers that tickle the strings, acoustic signals that vibrate the strings. We also have an army of robots on stage. (翻译:正如你在这里的样机上所看到的,长长的钢琴弦, 每根都被小型机器人部件所控制。这里有小巧的琴弓来拨动,驱动器来撩拨, 声学信号来震动琴弦。在舞台上,还会出现一大群机器人。)

3. He took the guitar and plucked at the strings. (翻译:他拿起吉他拨动起琴弦来。)

4. If CompareTo returns a 0, that means the two strings are equal; anything other than a 0 means that the two strings are different. (翻译:如果CompareTo返回0,那意味着两个字符串相等。)

5. Miss Okinu why u pulled out the strings? (翻译:金奴小姐... ...你为什么把弦拉断?)

6. No strings, no obligations, but what's the alternative? (翻译:这样的字符串,不承担任何义务, 但有什么办法呢?)

7. I but dance to the yank of strings. (翻译:我为这样紧张的局面欢欣鼓舞 要防止他们结成同盟)

8. Someone else is pulling her strings. (翻译:受人暗中摆布 Someone else is pulling her strings.)

9. I needed a fresh start with no strings (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}我需要一个全新的开始 没有任何条件的全新的开始)

10. So, as you can see in this prototype, gigantic piano strings, each string is controlled with a little robotic element -- either little bows that stroke the strings, propellers that tickle the strings, acoustic signals that vibrate the strings. We also have an army of robots on stage. (翻译:正如你在这里的样机上所看到的,长长的钢琴弦, 每根都被小型机器人部件所控制。这里有小巧的琴弓来拨动,驱动器来撩拨, 声学信号来震动琴弦。在舞台上,还会出现一大群机器人。)

11. I pull strings for people all the time... but Zafar once pulled strings for me. (翻译:我总是为别人暗中帮忙 但扎法尔有次为我做了同样的事)

12. Keyboard; strings are plucked by plectra mounted on pivots. (翻译:有键盘;用安在枢轴上的琴拨弹奏琴弦。)

13. Concatenate strings instead of formatting them. (翻译:连接字符串而非格式化字符串。)

14. You can pull the strings and get me on that ship. (翻译:你可以幕后操作让我登上那艘船 You can pull the strings and get me on that ship.)

15. "You said no strings could..." (翻译:你说过没有什么牵挂可以... {\3cH202020}You said no strings could...)

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