nominal transmitting cycle是什么意思 nominal transmitting cycle的中文翻译、

nominal transmitting cycle是什么意思 nominal transmitting cycle的中文翻译、

nominal transmitting cycle的中文解释是"标称发送周期",作为名词时有"通信"的意思,读音为[nominaltransmittingcycle],nominal transmitting cycle常被用作名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到52个与nominal transmitting cycle相关的例句。

Nominal transmitting cycle的翻译


例句:Means it's transmitting at... the speed of light times one-fourth. (一英寸半 就是说很可能按照 呃 四分之一倍光速发送)


例句:Keep transmitting, but with a different message. (继续广播,但广播内容要换换啦。Keep transmitting, but with a different message.)


nominal transmitting cycle一般作为名词使用,如在nominal welding cycle([机] 标称焊接周期)、transmitting(v. 传递, 发射(transmite的现在分词形式))、nominal(名义上的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

nominal welding cycle[机] 标称焊接周期
transmittingv. 传递, 发射(transmite的现在分词形式)
diffusely transmitting漫射发射
transmitting aerial发射天线
transmitting aerials发射天线\n(transmitting aerial 的复数)
transmitting altimeter无线电高度表
transmitting amplifier发信放大器


1. You have them surrounding your islands, transmitting displacement data. (翻译:你们在岛的周围都放满了浮标 用来发送移位数据)

2. Amplifying it, transmitting it, like a feedback loop. (翻译:它夸大其词 传播末日景象 反复灌输给我们 Amplifying it, transmitting it, like a feedback loop.)

3. The Juglar cycle is sometimes called "the" business cycle. (翻译:在朱格拉周期有时被称为“和”商业周期。)

4. That puts you mid-cycle, not starting a new one. (翻译:这样你是在生理期中期 不是开头啊 That puts you mid -cycle, not starting a new one.)

5. The invention discloses a transmitting roller for transmitting the printed sheet, comprising: a roller body rotatably supported on a frame around an axis; (翻译:本发明在于,提出一种用于输送印张的传递滚筒, 其包括:一个可绕着一轴线旋转地支承在机架中的滚筒体; )

6. Gravity nominal in the antechamber. (翻译:Gravity nominal in the antechamber.)

7. The main idea of this project is to balance the transmitting efficiency and the transmitting cryptograph. (翻译:这种方案的核心思想是在传输效率和传输保密性上取得更加实用性的平衡。)

8. Namely that the plane stopped transmitting flight data (翻译:就说飞机在飞过巴西热带雨林上空后 namely that the plane stopped transmitting flight data)

9. I was... reading about the life cycle of maggots. (翻译:我在读关于... 蛆虫的生命周期的资料 I was... reading about the life cycle of maggots.)

10. You said that the nitrogen cycle is also an important nutrient cycle. (翻译:你说了,氮循环也是一个重要的营养循环。)

11. Fluid power - Hydraulik filters - Part 1: Definitions, nominal pressures, nominal sizes, fitting dimensions (翻译:液压技术.液压系统过滤器.第1部分:概念.额定压力.额定值.连接尺寸)

12. Because some cycle, there is a spot in the cycle, and you have not the same duty in the different parts of the cycle. (翻译:因为某个循环,循环中有个点。而在循环的不同部分,你的职责不同。)

13. The tenth cycle core of GNPS is the second cycle with 18-month fuel cycle after increasing fuel enrichment. (翻译:大亚湾核电站第十循环堆芯是自提高燃料组件富集度后实现18个月燃料循环的第二个循环堆芯。)

14. Please turn on the computer, Mandy Image transmitting (翻译:Mandy, 请开电脑 我傅送画面给你看)

15. Testing for diabetes and for cataracts is offered four times a year for a nominal fee. (翻译:糖尿病患者白内障的测试提供xx年四次象征性的费用。)

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