medical glassware是什么意思 medical glassware的中文翻译、读音、例句

medical glassware是什么意思 medical glassware的中文翻译、读音、例句

medical glassware在英语中代表"医药用玻璃器皿"的意思,还经常被翻译为医药用玻璃器皿,在线读音是[medicalglassware],medical glassware在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到98个与medical glassware相关的例句。

Medical glassware的词典翻译


例句:I think the medical fridge is kind of crossing the prepper line. (我觉得搞个医用冰箱 I think the medical fridge)


medical glassware一般作为名词使用,如在glassware(玻璃制品 )、domestic glassware(日用玻璃器皿,餐桌用玻璃器皿)、fritted glassware(烧结玻璃器皿)等常见短语中出现较多。

domestic glassware日用玻璃器皿,餐桌用玻璃器皿
fritted glassware烧结玻璃器皿
glassware chest玻璃器械橱
glassware instrument玻璃仪器
hollow glassware空心玻璃制品,瓶罐玻璃
hotel glassware玻璃餐具
illuminating glassware光技术玻璃,照明玻璃制品
kitchen glassware烹饪用玻璃器皿,玻璃煮锅


1. I was framed for medical malpractice. (翻译:有人诬陷我出了医疗事故 I was framed for medical malpractice.)

2. cancer,medical research,technology (翻译:cancer,medical research,technology)

3. Institute of Medical Ethics, after-dinner speech, 20-week cutoff! (翻译:The POTUS? 医学伦理协会晚宴后的发言 Institute of Medical Ethics after -dinner speech...)

4. I'm gonna try to draw them away. I need to see you again at 3pm. (翻译:在医学研究大楼 At the Medical Research Building.)

5. This is a medical drill and saw. (翻译:这是医用钻锯 This is a medical drill and saw. 失血很多 Lost a lot of blood.)

6. I call it a medical service (翻译:我会把它称作医疗服务 {\3cH202020}I call it a medical service)

7. - Mess up medical equipment everywhere. (翻译:- 搞乱医疗设备 - 随意控制交通灯 - Mess up medical equipment everywhere.)

8. Attention, all medical personnel. (翻译:全体医疗人员 请注意 Attention, all medical personnel.)

9. We loaded her up with medical supplies! (翻译:我们给了她很多医疗用品 We loaded her up with medical supplies!)

10. - I pulled your medical files, too. (翻译:我还查了你的病历 Pulled your medical files, too.)

11. To perform a series of medical scans. (翻译:进行一连串的医学检查 to perform a series of medical scans.)

12. The guy was wearing a medical bracelet. (翻译:他手上有个医疗手环 The guy was wearing a medical bracelet.)

13. What medical treatments to give. (翻译:要进行些什么医治 what medical treatments to give.)

14. Anything remotely medical is a priority. (翻译:跟药沾边的都很重要 Anything remotely medical is a priority.)

15. Oh, St. Timothy Medical Group. (翻译:圣提摩西医疗组 Oh, St. Timothy medical group.)

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