例句:But no, in no case, not like Hitler. (当然不是 不是希特勒的名字 Ah non, justement, pas comme Hitler.)
例句:- Well, then, there you go. (-你看吧 - Non, non, non.)
1. Not the hay! What magic is this? (翻译:不要 干草不能丢 Non, pas le foin!)
2. It belongs to a defunct non-profit (翻译:It belongs to a defunct non -profit)
3. You know, your self-preservation instinct seems non-existent. (翻译:your self -preservation instinct seems non -existent.)
4. They headed for non-extradition countries. (翻译:他们极有可能会去无引渡条例的国家 Best guess: they headed for non)
5. In a very nonexploitive way, of course. (翻译:当然了 不会剥削利用你的 In a very non -exploitive way, of course.)
6. ♪ Wit the non-stop, pop, pop and stainless steel ♪ (翻译:♪ Wit the non -stop, pop, pop and stainless steel ♪)
7. But my Adolphe neither! In what language does it get in there? (翻译:我也不是这个意思 你要我讲什么语言 Moi non plus.)
8. - No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)
9. These measures cannot be taken with non people. (翻译:这些措施得有人手才行 These measures cannot be taken with non people.)
10. Well, all right, I say it. (翻译:不 还是我说 Non... Je vais leur dire.)
11. Then I'd get the box back, and give her a dare. (翻译:很简单 Fastoche! 也挺好玩 对吧 Et super rigolo, non?)
12. At least he was with you thickest friends, right? (翻译:你们俩很情投意合吧 Vous avez des affinités, non?)
13. The cows are artificially inseminated. (翻译:这些母牛被人工授精。)
14. Study and Application Freezing Semen Inseminated to Uterine Cornu on Fine and Super Fine Wool Sheep (翻译:细型和超细型羊子宫角冷冻精液输精技术研究与应用)
15. Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore! (翻译:Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore!)