nonmagnetic metal是什么意思 nonmagnetic metal的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonmagnetic metal是什么意思 nonmagnetic metal的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonmagnetic metal的意思是"非磁性金属",在日常中也代表"非磁性金属"的意思,在线发音:[nonmagneticmetal],nonmagnetic metal来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到39个与nonmagnetic metal相关的句子。

Nonmagnetic metal的词典翻译




nonmagnetic metal一般作为名词使用,如在nonmagnetic(非磁性的 )、nonmagnetic alloy([电] 非磁性合金)、nonmagnetic diesel(非磁性柴油机)等常见短语中出现较多。

nonmagnetic alloy[电] 非磁性合金
nonmagnetic diesel非磁性柴油机
nonmagnetic material[电] 非磁性材料
nonmagnetic mine[军] 非磁性地雷
nonmagnetic particle非磁化粒子
nonmagnetic steel[化] 无磁钢; 无磁性钢
nonmagnetic substance[电] 非磁体
nonmagnetic taconite[矿物] 非磁性铁燧岩


1. Yttrium, yttrium Metal, Metal yttrium. (翻译:钇,金属钇,钇金属。)

2. And if the purple red: nonmagnetic as high manganese steel, magnetic usually usually steel or low-alloy steel. (翻译:而假如变紫红色:无磁性的为高锰钢,有磁性的通常为通常钢或低合金钢。)

3. What metal did they use to line their famous baths? (翻译:他们用什么金属制造他们的浴缸呢 What metal did they use to line their famous baths?)

4. The results indicate that the metal flow curve wavily fluctuates, the flow speed of outer-plane metal is greater than that of inner-plane metal; (翻译:结果表明:金属流动曲线呈现上下波动变化,外层金属流动速度大于内层金属; )

5. # Keep the pedal to the metal Go! (翻译:{\fn方正粗倩简体\fs12\an8\1cHFFFF00\b0}加快速度前进 出发!)

6. And with their metal they brought fire. (翻译:用他们的铁器制造了火 用他们的铁器制造了火)

7. In fact, we have a nonmagnetic fridge. (翻译:事实上,我们有一个非磁性冰箱。)

8. Metal pinked against metal as he opened out the drawer. (翻译:他拉开抽屉,金属与金属不断叩击发出声响。)

9. Metal damage, brain damage? (翻译:你们的车完蛋了 ...脑子也完蛋了吧 你们听好了 你们这群老东西)

10. I have this metal taste in my mouth. (翻译:I have this metal taste in my mouth.)

11. Of metal orbs clanging against one another. (翻译:金属球叮叮当当的撞击声 Of metal orbs clanging against one another.)

12. [CREAKING] [GRUNTS] [METAL SCREECHES] (翻译:[吱吱作响] [咕噜声] [金属尖叫声])

13. Chemical metal embrittlement. (翻译:- ﺔﻴﺋﺎﻴﻤﻴﻜﻟﺍ ﻥﺩﺎﻌﻤﻟﺍ ﻒﺼﻘﺗ)

14. And pick up any heavy metal you can find, just in case. (翻译:最后以防万一 随便找一个比较重的金属 And pick up any heavy metal you can find, just in case.)

15. And then when I walk out, I'm gonna put a bunch of metal onto a metal bar and lift that metal over and over like a metal jerk. (翻译:而我则是将一堆金属放在金属棒上 像金属狂人一样不停的举金属)

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