sample/hold circuits是什么意思 sample/hold circuits的中文翻译、读音、例句

sample/hold circuits是什么意思 sample/hold circuits的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:sample size(样本大小),sample rate(抽样率),sample space(样本空间),sample population(样本总体)

短语:take a sample(取样),sample the water(抽取水样)



1. I need a sample of this fabric to see if it's suitable for my project.(我需要一块这种面料的样品看看它是否适合我的项目。)

2. We randomly selected a sample of 100 people to participate in the survey.(我们随机抽取了100个人参加这项调查。)

3. The music producer sampled a classic song for his new track.(音乐制作人采样了一首经典歌曲作为他的新曲样本。)

4. The sample size was too small to draw any meaningful conclusions.(样本大小太小,无法得出任何有意义的结论。)

5. Can you please sample the soup to see if it needs more salt?(请品尝一下这个汤,看看它是否需要加盐?)



1. Can you give me a sample of your new product?(请给我一个你们的新产品样品。)

2. We conducted a survey with a sample of 1000 participants.(我们用1000个参与者的样本进行了一项调查。)

3. The doctor took a blood sample from the patient.(医生从病人身上取了一份血样。)

4. This music track uses a sample from a classic song.(这首音乐曲目使用了一段经典歌曲的样本。)

5. I'm going to the store to pick up some fabric samples.(我要去店里取一些面料样品。)

6. We received a small sample of the new perfume in the mail.(我们通过邮件收到了一小瓶新香水的样品。)

7. The research team selected a random sample of participants for the study.(研究团队为这项研究选择了一个随机的参与者样本。)

8. Artists often use samples of other music in their own compositions.(艺术家们常常在自己的作品中使用其他音乐的样本。)

9. The company provides free samples to potential customers.(该公司向潜在客户提供免费的样品。)




1. We need a sample of your handwriting to compare with the letter we received.(我们需要一份你的手写样本来跟我们收到的信件做比较。)

2. This is just a small sample of what we have to offer.(这只是我们所提供的一小部分样品。)

3. The researcher collected a sample of data from each participant.(研究员从每个参与者那里收集了一份数据样本。)




例句:Below are some sample checklists. (以下是一些示例清单。)


例句:Each sample was tested in triplicate. (每种样品都做过三次检验。)


例句:The doctor took a urine sample and a blood sample. (医生取了尿样和血样。)


例句:Tightening rules for recusal would help, says James Sample of New York University’s Brennan Centre. (翻译:纽约大学布李南中心的James Sample认为强化法律法规会有所帮助。)


sample一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在on sample(用做样品\n凭样本)、to sample([网络] 送样品;采样本;选样)、dipper sample(用取样勺采的样品,勺样)等常见短语中出现较多。

on sample用做样品\n凭样本
to sample[网络] 送样品;采样本;选样
dipper sample用取样勺采的样品,勺样
directional sample[化工] 定向样品
dry sample干试样
double sample[经] 重复选样, 再次选样
document sample文件样品
discordant sample不和谐样本
discount sample折扣样品


1. The doctor took a urine sample and a blood sample. (翻译:医生取了尿样和血样。)

2. Tightening rules for recusal would help, says James Sample of New York University’s Brennan Centre. (翻译:纽约大学布李南中心的James Sample认为强化法律法规会有所帮助。)

3. Originally, the sample was aged 18 to 94. (翻译:这组人最开始的年龄从xx岁到xx岁不等 )

4. MOST of the chicken, fruit and vegetables in Ellen Devlin-Sample's kitchen are organic. (翻译:在EllenDevlin-Sample的厨房中,绝大多数的鸡肉,水果和蔬菜都是有机食品。)

5. We would ask that the court limit this sample to only the number of hairs required (翻译:我们要求法庭只提供 We would ask that the court limit this sample 测试所需数量的头发 to only the number of hairs required for testing.)

6. This sample USES TTU 8.2. (翻译:本示例将使用TTU 8.2。)

7. All we need is a tiny, little dna sample (翻译:我们只需要一丁点DNA样本 All we need is a tiny, little DNA sample)

8. It measures the absorption of light in a sample. (翻译:分光光度计是用来测量光度吸收率的一种仪器。)

9. After four grueling weeks of painstaking sample collection, (翻译:经过4个星期的精疲力尽的艰苦样本采集工作后 After four grueling weeks of painstaking sample collection)

10. I need to get a uterine sample. (翻译:我需要她的子宫样本 I need to get a uterine sample.)

11. Download from the download section. (翻译:从下载小节下载xforms - rte - sample . zip。)

12. The corrosion resistance of the sample deposite composite film was better than the sample deposite metal film. (翻译:镀复合膜试样的耐腐蚀性优于镀金属膜的试样。)

13. But he needs a sample of zero matter. (翻译:但是他需要一份零物质 but he needs a sample of zero matter.)

14. We can give our sample to Mars. (翻译:我们可以把样本交给火星 We can give our sample to Mars.)

15. To acquire the sample from whitney. (翻译:采集血样的唯一可行机会 to acquire the sample from Whitney.)



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