白垩用英语怎么说 白垩的英语翻译

白垩用英语怎么说 白垩的英语翻译

白垩的英语是"  [岩] creta",在日常中也可以翻译为"  [岩] chalk",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到13个与白垩相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   [岩] creta

白垩翻译为   [岩] creta。

He chalked his billiard cue again and again.


2.   [岩] chalk

白垩翻译为   [岩] chalk。

Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity.


3. whiting


The chalky soil around Saumur produces the famous Anjou wines.


4.   Limestone / Chalk

白垩翻译为   Limestone / Chalk。

示例:Their fossilised bodies, shells and skeletons form the limestone and chalk that now covers huge tracts of Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
它们的尸体化石,外壳和骨骼 形成石灰岩和白至 如今覆盖了 亚洲,欧洲 和美洲的大片土地



1. chalkiness(白色 白垩质 白垩)

2. chalk(①白垩②粉笔 )

3. dicite( 白垩)

4. malm(白垩土 )

5. English white(白垩粉)


Cretaceous the Cretaceous period Cretaceus period Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event ( 白垩纪 地质 )

chalk krieda krijtgesteente liitukivi ( 白垩岩 )

cretoxyrhina ( 白垩刺甲鲨 )

chalk transfer paper ( 白垩涂布纸 )

Chalk soil malm chalky clay Chalk ( 白垩土 )

chalk overlay paper overlay paper ( 白垩纸 )

whiting chalk powder English white chalk k powder ( 白垩粉 )

chalky cretaceous ( 白垩的 )

Valanginian Neocomian ( 早白垩世 )


1. Now, in this slide the white is chalk, and this chalk was deposited in a warm ocean.

译文:现在,幻灯片里的白色是白垩粉, 积存在温暖的海洋中。

2. We must restore Piisuke to Japan .

译文:啊 等等 要将皮助送到白垩纪的日本去。

3. i will bring back to the days of chalk Piisuke .


4. Let's all swim in a sea Piisuke era limestone .


5. The later part of Cretaceous means...


6. Chalk, chalky clay. That's a far thinner band of geology.

译文:白垩 白垩质粘土 这样能缩小地理范围。

7. Maybe six or seven metres. Cretaceous, at a guess.

译文:也许六到七米长 白垩纪时代。

8. We call it the Cretaceous extinction event.


9. Jurassic Park... maybe... maybe the Cretaceous.

译文:侏罗纪 或者... 或者白垩纪。

10. They live in the era of limestone near the Sea of ?

译文:双叶? 生活在白垩纪的日本近海里。

11. This is the time of lime . D - there !

译文:对 这里是白垩纪的世界。

12. A Cretaceous era therapod dinosaur. The genuine article.


13. Chalk, asphalt, brick dust, vegetation. What... chocolate?

译文:白垩 沥青 砖尘 植物。

14. it's not a real dragon, though.

译文:龙王龙(Dracorex) 白垩纪晚期 食草动物。

15. So when it comes down to our end cretaceous, we have seven left.

译文:(笑声) 所以 到了白垩纪末期 我们还剩七种恐龙。

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