颓垣断壁的英语是"ruin s",在日常中也可以翻译为"debris",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到63个与颓垣断壁相关的释义和例句。
1. ruin s
颓垣断壁翻译为ruin s。
Buildings are on fire and massive debris has piled on roads.
2. debris
My former house has turned into a wreck of tumbled walls.
3. crumbling walls and dilapidated houses
颓垣断壁翻译为crumbling walls and dilapidated houses。
示例:Ground's melting, walls tumbling, rocks crumbling.
4. crumbling fences and dilapidated walls
颓垣断壁翻译为 crumbling fences and dilapidated walls。
示例:But they didn't have our walls or our fences.
但他们没有像我们一样的高墙 或栅栏
1. The remains of the Palasgian Walls, bear witness to the fact that it was inhabited from ancient times.
译文:这些残垣断壁的废墟 自古见证了无情的占领。
2. Yes, i can still see this woman who was standing in the ruins... and who was shaking the duvet.
译文:是啊,我还能看见那个女人 她站在残垣断壁中 抖动着羽绒被。
3. When you fail to deliver yourself to her, she plans to reduce this city to rubble and flames.
译文:如果你不如约投降 她会把这座城市 化为一片焦土 断壁残垣。
4. Goddess Nuwa seeing the Palace of Heaven ruins badly
5. So we see moulderless structures, megalithics structures all over the world.
译文:所以我们在世界各地都能见到 华丽恢弘的建筑被损毁成残垣断壁。
6. (Laughter) But as i witnessed this temple of finance come crashing down before my eyes, i knew that even the best job couldn't save me.
译文:(笑声) 但当我眼睁睁看着 这座金融的圣殿 就在我眼前化作断壁残垣, 我就知道,即使是 最好的工作也救不了我。
7. The Nullarbor plain on its southern coast has the world's longest unbroken coastal cliffs
8. The fort remains compromised and we are all exposed.
译文:堡垒仍是断壁残垣 我们都无处可藏。
9. Take days to unearth all this debris.
10. Thankfully, however, it was my teacher's teachers, Chea Samy, Soth Sam On and Chheng Phon, who would lead the revival of the art form from the ashes of war and genocide: one student, one gesture, one dance at a time.
译文:但幸运的是, 我老师的老师们 契萨梅、索潘桑和琴朋, 她们让这种艺术形式 重新焕发了光彩, 从战争和种族屠杀的 残垣断壁中重生: 一个学生, 一个动作, 一套舞蹈,一步一步来。
11. He'll see me when he wakes up and when he crawls to sleep in whatever rat hole is left for him after i shred his house down.
译文:从他起床我便会跟着他 一直到他爬回 我亲手制造的断壁残垣里。
12. However, only devastation was left after the war ended