帝国时代用英语怎么说 帝国时代英语翻译

帝国时代用英语怎么说 帝国时代英语翻译

帝国时代在英语中的翻译是"Age of Empires",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Age of pires",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到46个与帝国时代相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Age of Empires

帝国时代翻译为Age of Empires。

It prospered as the hub of a commercial and trading nation when the sun never set on the British Empire.


2.   Age of pires

帝国时代翻译为   Age of pires。

After centuries' of expansions and renovations, the palace was finally transformed into a museum of the imperial era.


3.   The Age of Kings

帝国时代翻译为   The Age of Kings。

As Britain's former colonial subjects come back as masters, there is barely a whiff of post-imperial regret.


4.   AOE

帝国时代翻译为   AOE。

示例:Forced Taunt - Forces units in an AoE to attack the targeted unit.



1. postimperial( 后帝国时代)

2. monarchia( 帝国时代;帝制论;世界帝国)

3. tawantinsuyo( 印加帝国;印加帝国时代;大宛丁四酉)

4. Haiduk(n. 黑盗客(奥斯曼帝国时代流窜于欧洲乡村地区的土匪))

5. Heiduc(n. 黑盗客(奥斯曼帝国时代流窜于欧洲乡村地区的土匪))


3 Age Of Empire AOE Age of Empires III Soundtrack ( 帝国时代)

2 Age Of Empire AOE age of pires ( 帝国时代)

III Age Of Empires III AOEIII ( 帝国时代)

Age of Empires Gold Edition ( 帝国时代黄金版 )

Online Age Of Empires Online ( 帝国时代)

II Age of Empires II ( 帝国时代)


1. The only water source is a nearby underground cistern built by the British during the days of Empire.


2. Here in india, 2,000 years ago in the time of the Roman Empire, these 3 things:


3. The time for our great enterprise has come.


4. it prospered as the hub of a commercial and trading nation when the sun never set on the British Empire.


5. in the Ottoman times, there were itinerant storytellers called "meddah."


6. -Out there by imperial Courts?

译文:- 帝国广场附近。

7. i explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, the times of Noah, and Abraham. Any era you can name, i went there.


8. 6 ages define the lifespan of an empire


9. We've now reached the days of the Roman Empire, which saw the beginnings of global trade on the silk road and the spice route... the next chapter in "The Story of india".

译文:我们已经来到了古罗马帝国时代 这个时代见证了穿梭于丝绸之路和 香料之路上的全球贸易。

10. Jacob: for me it is RTS and it is hard to say but probably the Age of Empire series.


11. You have threatened the empire!


12. The Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire... they all came and they all went.

译文:罗马帝国, 奥斯曼帝国, 大英帝国... 他们都来了 他们都去了。

13. Today, as time advances political situations change continuously in order to resist the invasion of imperialism we must have our own air force

译文:今天,时代在进步 时局也在不断变化 为了抵御帝国主义入侵。

14. This cave, actually, is lovely, because you can know that the Buddha was in this cave. SETH: As you go into the cave, it's a little, sort of, lower in height in the beginning and then it gets deeper.


15. if Muslim tribunals are starting in Britain, it would be odd to abolish sharia in a place where it has been applied since Ottoman times.


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