面发育不全用英语怎么说 面发育不全英语翻译

面发育不全用英语怎么说 面发育不全英语翻译

面发育不全的英语是"  ateloprosopia",其次还可以说成"ateloprosopia",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到30个与面发育不全相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   ateloprosopia

2. ateloprosopia


1. facial ateliosis(面发育不全)

2. mandibulofacial dysplasia(颌面发育不全)

3. aplasia(发育不全 )

4. epiphyseal dysgensis(发育不全)

5. hypogonesis(发育不全)


mandibulofacial dysostosis ( 下颌骨颜面发育不全 口腔 )

hemifacial microsomia ( 半侧颜面发育不全 )

Coruzon'sdisease ( 颅面骨发育不全 )

hemifacial microsomia ( 侧颜面发育不全 )

craniofacial dysostosis ( 颅骨面骨发育不全 )

mandibulofacial dysostosis ( 下颌面骨发育不全 )

Crouzons disease ( 颅面骨发育不全综合征 )

acrofacial dysostosis ( 面骨发育不全 )


1. That means that anybody in this room could have a child with achondroplasia.

译文:那意味着在场的任何人, 都有可能生育软骨发育不全的后代。

2. - Not exactly a detective.


3. isn't Fuzzy just underdeveloped?


4. My Testicles was not as developed as others. "

译文:但会影响发育. "。

5. Premature mental development?


6. Achondroplasia occurs in approximately one in every 20,000 births.

译文:软骨发育不全症大概在 每2万个新生婴儿中会有一个。

7. i am incredibly proud to be a little person, to have inherited the condition of achondroplasia.

译文:作为一个小个子的人, 我感到无限的自豪, 我继承了软骨发育 不全症的状况。

8. That's not exactly what we do.


9. i'm sorry to tell you, your son has achondroplasia too.

译文:很遗憾 你的儿子也患有软骨发育不全症。

10. Well, i can't say all that.


11. Achondroplasia translates as "without cartilage formation."

译文:软骨发育不全症被翻译成 “没有软骨的形成”。

12. i have short limbs and achondroplastic facial features, my forehead and my nose.

译文:我有短小的四肢 和软骨发育不全症的脸部特征, 我的额头和我的鼻子。

13. Your parents abandoned you because you were the runt of the litter.

译文:你父母抛弃了你 因为你是那一窝里面发育不全的矮子。

14. You're one of the few correspondents who goes out into the field to see what's happening. Not any more.


15. The ones closest to the door were the last ones they were able to hatch and they were all stunted and wrong.

译文:最靠近大门的头骨属于最后一条成功孵化的龙 The ones closest to the door were the last ones they were able to hatch 因为方法错误而发育不全. and they were all stunted and wrong.。

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