空文用英语怎么说 空文的英语翻译

空文用英语怎么说 空文的英语翻译

空文的英语翻译是"ineffective law rule etc.",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到29个与空文相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. ineffective law rule etc.

空文翻译为ineffective law rule etc.。

This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper.



1. emptydoc(空文档)

2. empty file([计] 空文件)

3. null file([计] 空文件)

4. null filed([计] 空文件)

5. space file([计] 空文件)


Aozora Bunko Aozo Bunko ComittoN Free Novel ( 青空文库 )

Dead letter a mere scrap of paper A scrap of paper a worthless piece of paper ( 一纸空文 )

empty file ( 空文件 计 )

Empty Folder Nuker Empty Folder Finder ( 清理空文件夹 )

Empty Folder Cleaner rmdir Delete Empty Folders ( 删除空文件夹 )

ClearDoc ( 清空文档 )


1. Look, look, you know, i get that it's your job to try to act like there's a case here, but shut up.

译文:就是一纸空文了 听着 我知道你是出于本职工作 竭尽全力想要立案 但是请你闭嘴。

2. We're starting to reinvent community ourselves, and we've done it all without a flipping strategy document.

译文:我们正开始重塑社区 而且我们做的这些不依赖于任何一纸战略空文。

3. The goal of SpaceX is to try to advance rocket technology, and in particular to try to crack a problem that i think is vital for humanity to become a space-faring civilization, which is to have a rapidly and fully reusable rocket.

译文:我们SpaceX的目标是推进火箭技术, 特别是要解决一个问题, 我认为这个问题 对于人类进入太空文明来说是至关重要的, 也就是要拥有一个能够迅速且完全可重复使用的火箭。

4. So we must solve this problem in order to become a space-faring civilization.


5. CA: Would humanity become a space-faring civilization?


6. And it took a lot of courage for these defenders to decide that they would begin to stand up and support each other in implementing these laws.

译文:这些律师们需要很多勇气 才决定他们要 站出来互相协助 确保法律不是空文。

7. Elon Musk's position is that humans cannot survive indefinitely on Earth, and there are a lot of threats to the continuation of human life on Earth-- both from what we're doing to our own planet, but also from things like asteroids.

译文:一个真正的宇宙太空文明 和一个多地球物种。Elon Musk 位置 那是人类 不能生存 无限期地在地球上。

8. We're starting to reinvent community ourselves, and we've done it all without a flipping strategy document.

译文:我们正开始重塑社区 而且我们做的这些不依赖于任何一纸战略空文。

9. AHERN: Get the desk drawers. Everything.

译文:清空文件柜,全部烧掉 不用整理了。

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