共振频率用英语怎么说 共振频率英语翻译

共振频率用英语怎么说 共振频率英语翻译

共振频率用英语说"resonant frequency -",其次还可以说成"  frequency resonance",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到43个与共振频率相关的翻译和例句。


1. resonant frequency -

共振频率翻译为 resonant frequency -。

At the resonant frequency it appears that the structure has no apparent stiffness.


2.   frequency resonance

共振频率翻译为   frequency resonance。

The effect of the elastic and inertia coupling on the resonance frequency is also discussed.


3.   [物] Resonant frequency

共振频率翻译为   [物] Resonant frequency。

From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies.


4.   formant frequency

共振频率翻译为   formant frequency。

示例:With their frequency wires
∮ 推离你的轨道 ∮



1. dominant resonant frequency(共振频率)

2. natural resonance frequency(有共振频率,自然共振频率)

3. mounted resonant frequency(装置共振频率)

4. natural resonant frequency(固有共振频率)

5. relaxation resonance frequency(松弛共振频率)


basic NMR frequency ( 基本核磁共振频率 )

microphone response frequency ( 传声器共振频率 )

magnetic resonance frequency ( 磁共振频率 )

resonance frequency analysis ( 共振频率分析 )

natural resonant frequency ( 固有共振频率 物 )

Mounted Resonance Frequency ( 固定安装共振频率 )

tuned circuit type frequency meter resonance frequency ( 共振频率计 )

spin resonance frequency ( 自旋共振频率 )

upper resonant frequency ( 共振频率上限 )


1. Contact Lakeview Centre 11 niner decimal one.


2. This is an MRi MRA MRV, a volumetric MRi.

译文:这是磁共振成像, 磁共振血管摄影, MRV, 一个有体积的磁共振成像。

3. i will deal with frequency.


4. What would happen was those centrifuges would go through what's called a resonance frequency.

译文:接下来将会发生的就是... 这些离心机将会经历所谓的"共振"频率。

5. GPS satellites rely on cesium and rubidium atoms as frequency standards.

译文:GPS卫星以铯(Cs)和铷(Rb)原子的 共振频率为频率标准。

6. - Try the emergency frequency.

译文:- 试试紧急频率。

7. it's not set to the frequency.


8. Squawk 7500 to acknowledge.


9. A frequency pulse that matches the resonance of the earth's core.


10. So here, we're going to play a note that's in the resonance frequency of that glass through a loudspeaker that's next to it.

译文:我们播放一个音符 玻璃杯旁边音箱发出 的共振频率。

11. it would go through a frequency at which the metal would basically vibrate uncontrollably and essentially shatter.

译文:进入这个共振频率后,实际上... 金属会出现不可控的振动,最终破碎。

12. However, every cesium 133 atom in the universe oscillates at the same exact frequency.

译文:但是,宇宙中的每一个铯133原子 都遵循着同样精准的共振频率。

13. (Higher frequency) So every time we hit a resonant frequency we get a standing wave and that emergent sine curve of fire.

译文:{更高的频率) 每回我释放一个共振的频率我们就会有一个驻波 以及那个正玄函数图像般的火焰就会出现。

14. No matter how skilled a clockmaker may be, every pendulum, wind-up mechanism and quartz crystal resonates at a slightly different frequency.

译文:无论多么出色的钟表匠 都造不出来这样的钟, 每一组钟摆、齿轮和 石英晶体三者之间的 共振频率总会有细微的差别。

15. When it reaches the resonant frequency, the building acts like a tuning fork.


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