大言不惭用英语怎么说 大言不惭英语翻译

大言不惭用英语怎么说 大言不惭英语翻译

大言不惭的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为fanfaronade,在日常中也可以翻译为"  fanfaronade",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到28个与大言不惭相关的释义和例句。


1. fanfaronade


Such behavior is closer to that of a blowhard who may be insecure in his own abilities, but is certain of one thing — his own brilliance.


2.   fanfaronade

大言不惭翻译为   fanfaronade。

The greatest talkers are always the least doers.


3. talk big

大言不惭翻译为talk big。

I can become again the man who once crossed the Surrey Park at dusk in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life.


4. rodomontade


1. boaster(自夸的人 大言不惭的人 吹牛者)

2. fanfaronades(n. 吹牛;同“fanfare”\n 大言不惭)

3. orating(v. 演说, 大言不惭的演说( orate的现在分词 ))

4. rhodomontade(n. 大言不惭, 吹牛\na. 自吹的, 吹牛的, 说大话)

5. rodomontaded(adj. 吹牛的\nn. 大话\nv. 吹牛\n 大言不惭)


fanfaronade rodomontade ( 大言不惭 夸夸其谈 )

grandiloquent ( 大言不惭的 )

fanfaronaderodomontade ( 大言不惭夸夸其谈 )


1. So many questions... and from someone in such a precarious position.

译文:问题真多... 危险临头还大言不惭。

2. Ooh, who does he think he's fooling?


3. Ooh, big words from a computer-loving mama's boy.

译文:听啊 电脑乖乖男大言不惭。

4. Little punk never shuts up.


5. By George, you make me laugh!


6. Things people say right before they meet the love of their life. Oh!

译文:好吧 "遇到真爱前的大言不惭"。

7. Ooh! Wilkins is giving us attitude! You wanna take it through tonight?


8. There was some mighty bold talk about catching frogs.


9. That's a convenient thing to say... after you try and blow up a plane filled with Americans!

译文:你们试图炸了一个载满美国人的飞机 还大言不惭的说热爱。

10. Oh, so you'd be General, huh?

译文:你当将军? 大言不惭。

11. i do not know why yet i live to say, "This thing's to do."

译文:我不知道为什么还活着 活着大言不惭地说 "这件事要做"。

12. Try swaggering mama's boy, lnypocrite, slnall we?

译文:不会吧 还不如说是大言不惭的伪君子。

13. i can't believe he can lie like this.

译文:我不敢相信 他可以这样大言不惭。

14. i can't let you anywhere near this case if you start talking crazy.

译文:别大言不惭 要是你再这么不可理喻 我就把你踢出这案子。

15. ...a thought which, quartered, hath but one pan one wisdom... ,..and ever three parts coward i do not know why yet i live to say "This thing's to do"...

译文:始终不曾在行动上表现出来 反而像鹿豕一般的健忘 竟然还大言不惭地说:"这件事需要作".。

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