1. My cat was diagnosed with bartonella infection and had to receive antibiotics. (我的猫被诊断为巴尔通体感染,需要服用抗生素。)
2. Early diagnosis of bartonella infection can prevent serious complications. (早期诊断巴尔通体感染可以避免严重的并发症。)
3. Bartonella henselae is the most common species that causes cat scratch disease. (巴尔通体亨氏菌是导致猫抓病最常见的种类。)
4. Bartonella quintana can cause trench fever in humans. (巴尔通体昆塔纳可以导致人类的战壕热。)
5. A study found evidence of bartonella infection in wild rodents. (一项研究发现了野生啮齿动物中巴尔通体感染的证据。)
6. Bartonella bacilliformis is the cause of Carrion's disease. (巴尔通体杆菌是卡瑞氏病的病原体。)
7. Bartonella infections have been reported in many countries around the world. (巴尔通体感染在世界许多国家中都有报道。)
8. The symptoms of bartonella infection can vary from person to person. (巴尔通体感染的症状因人而异。)
9. Bartonella species can be transmitted through the bites of infected fleas or ticks. (巴尔通体的种类可以通过受感染的跳蚤或蜱虫的咬伤传播。)