onyx是什么意思 onyx的读音、翻译、用法

onyx是什么意思 onyx的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'onyx'是来自希腊语的词语,中文翻译为"绿玛瑙"或"缟玛瑙",是一种黑色底色带有白色纹理的半宝石。

2. 在建筑装饰中,常用绿玛瑙来制作地面、墙壁、柱子等,可以营造高贵、典雅的氛围。

3. 在珠宝制作中,绿玛瑙常用于镶嵌成耳环、戒指、项链等,展现出高雅的艺术品质。

4. 我的项链上镶嵌着一颗绿玛瑙宝石,非常漂亮。(英文:My necklace has an onyx gemstone that looks very beautiful.)

5. 这座古堡的地面铺设的是绿玛瑙石板,显得非常气派。(英文:The floor of this castle is paved with onyx slabs, which looks very grand.)

6. 这款手表的表盘是绿玛瑙材质的,十分别致。(英文:The dial of this watch is made of onyx material, which looks very distinctive.)

7. 这款酒杯的底部雕刻有一枚绿玛瑙,十分精美。(英文:The bottom of this wine glass is carved with an onyx, which looks very exquisite.)

8. 这个装饰品上的绿玛瑙纹路非常奇特,引人入胜。(英文:The onyx pattern on this decoration is very unique and fascinating.)

9. 这家餐厅的墙壁上采用了绿玛瑙装饰,营造出浓郁的古典气息。(英文:The walls of this restaurant are decorated with onyx, creating a strong classical atmosphere.)

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