Atherigona是什么意思 Atherigona的读音、翻译、用法

Atherigona是什么意思 Atherigona的读音、翻译、用法



1. Atherigona soccata is a pest of sorghum in Africa.(Atherigona soccata是非洲高粱的害虫。)

2. The adults of Atherigona sp. lay eggs on the stem of the host plant.(Atherigona sp.的成虫在寄主植物的茎上产卵。)

3. Infestations of Atherigona vicina can cause significant yield losses in bean crops.(Atherigona vicina的大规模寄生会导致豆类作物的显著收成损失。)

4. Atherigona naqvii is a new species of stem fly from Pakistan.(Atherigona naqvii是一种来自巴基斯坦的新品种的茎蝇。)

5. Atherigona jaczewskii is a major pest of maize in Ethiopia.(Atherigona jaczewskii是埃塞俄比亚玉米的主要害虫。)

6. The larva of Atherigona cincta feeds on the stem of tomato plants.(Atherigona cincta的幼虫以番茄植物的茎为食。)

7. Atherigona lineata is a serious pest of sugarcane in India.(Atherigona lineata是印度甘蔗的严重害虫。)

8. The stem borer Atherigona orientalis attacks many cereal crops in Asia.(茎蛀虫Atherigona orientalis在亚洲攻击许多谷物作物。)

9. Atherigona euneritica is a pest of cowpea in West Africa.(Atherigona euneritica是非洲西部豇豆的害虫。)

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