1. The year 2000 marked the beginning of a new millenium.(xx年标志着新千年的开始。)
2. The ancient Mayan civilization predicted the end of the millenium in 2012.(古玛雅文明预言xx年是千年的末日。)
3. The millenium falcon is a famous spaceship in the Star Wars franchise.(千年隼是星球大战系列中著名的宇宙飞船。)
4. The year 2000 celebrations in Sydney Harbour were a spectacular millenium event.(xx年在悉尼港举行的庆祝活动是一场壮观的千年盛会。)
5. The Catholic Church celebrated the millenium with a series of special masses and ceremonies.(天主教会通过一系列特别的弥撒和仪式庆祝千年纪念。)
6. The year 2000 was a milestone millenium for technology advancements.(xx年是技术进步里程碑的千年。)
7. The Y2K bug was a major concern leading up to the millenium.(Y2K问题是千年之际的一个重要问题。)
8. The millenium bridge in London was opened in 2000 to celebrate the new century.(伦敦的千年桥于xx年开放,以庆祝新世纪的到来。)
9. The millenium dome in Greenwich was built to commemorate the year 2000.(格林威治的千年巨蛋建于xx年,以纪念这个特殊的年份。)