'OPLAN'是英语中的缩写,全称为'Operations Plan',意为“作战计划”。它通常用于军事领域中,是指作战方案的详细规划和准备工作。
1. Our army has already drafted an OPLAN for potential conflicts in the region.(我们的军队已经拟定了一个应对该地区潜在冲突的作战计划。)
2. The OPLAN has been presented to the commander for approval.(作战计划已经提交给指挥官审批。)
3. The success of the mission heavily relies on the OPLAN.(任务成功与否在很大程度上取决于作战计划。)
4. Our team spent weeks working on the OPLAN and adjusting it according to different scenarios.(我们的团队花费了数周时间制定和根据不同情况调整作战计划。)
5. The OPLAN includes detailed instructions on communication, logistics, and tactics.(作战计划包括了关于通信、后勤和战术的详细指示。)
6. The OPLAN was put into action as soon as the enemy was spotted.(一旦发现敌人,作战计划就立即开始实施。)
7. The OPLAN was revised after a thorough review by the military experts.(作战计划在经过军事专家的全面评估后进行了修订。)
8. The OPLAN has been classified as top secret and is only accessible to authorized personnel.(作战计划已被列为绝密文件,仅限授权人员查阅。)
9. The OPLAN proved to be effective in the actual combat situation.(在实际战斗中,作战计划证明是有效的。)