ZBM是什么意思 ZBM的读音、翻译、用法

ZBM是什么意思 ZBM的读音、翻译、用法

'ZBM'这个词语来源于英语,是指“Zeebrugge Port Maintenance(日常维护)”的缩写。该词语常用于港口维护管理领域,在港口维护和管理中扮演着重要的角色。


1. The ZBM team repaired the damaged dock after the storm.(风暴过后,ZBM团队修复了损坏的码头。)

2. It's important to have a well-trained ZBM staff to ensure the smooth operation of the port.(拥有受过良好培训的ZBM人员非常重要,以确保港口的顺畅运营。)

3. The ZBM department is responsible for maintaining the equipment and facilities at the port.(ZBM部门负责维护港口的设备和设施。)

4. The ZBM team conducts routine checks on the cranes to ensure they operate safely.(ZBM团队定期检查吊车,以确保它们安全运行。)

5. The ZBM manager oversees the maintenance work and ensures it is done on schedule.(ZBM经理监督维护工作,确保按时完成。)

6. The ZBM staff work around the clock to ensure the port is always in good condition.(ZBM人员日以继夜地工作,确保港口始终处于良好状态。)

7. The ZBM team uses advanced technology to monitor the condition of the port facilities.(ZBM团队利用先进技术监测港口设施的状况。)

8. The ZBM department collaborates with other departments to ensure the smooth operation of the port.(ZBM部门与其他部门合作,确保港口顺畅运营。)

9. The ZBM staff are trained to respond quickly in case of emergencies at the port.(ZBM人员接受培训,以便在港口紧急情况下快速反应。)

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