'Patricia Arquette'是英语词语,其含义为美国女演员帕特里夏·阿奎特。
以下是9个含有'Patricia Arquette'的例句:
1. Patricia Arquette won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in "Boyhood".(帕特里夏·阿奎特凭借《少年时代》中的表演获得了最佳女配角奖)
2. Patricia Arquette is one of the most talented actresses of our time.(帕特里夏·阿奎特是我们这个时代最具才华的女演员之一)
3. I really admire Patricia Arquette's commitment to social justice issues.(我非常钦佩帕特里夏·阿奎特对社会正义问题的执着追求)
4. Patricia Arquette starred in the hit TV show "Medium" for seven seasons.(帕特里夏·阿奎特在热播剧集《灵媒探案》中演出了七季)
5. I think Patricia Arquette's performance in "Lost Highway" was highly underrated.(我认为帕特里夏·阿奎特在《失落的公路》中的表演被严重低估了)
6. Patricia Arquette's activism on issues related to gender equality is inspiring.(帕特里夏·阿奎特在性别平等问题上的活动是鼓舞人心的)
7. I love Patricia Arquette's unique sense of style on the red carpet.(我喜欢帕特里夏·阿奎特在红毯上独特的风格)
8. It's fascinating to watch Patricia Arquette transform into her characters on screen.(看着帕特里夏·阿奎特在屏幕上变成她的角色是非常有趣的)
9. Patricia Arquette's performance in "Escape at Dannemora" was praised by critics.(帕特里夏·阿奎特在《逃离丹纳莫拉监狱》中的表演受到了评论家的赞扬)