boy-scout是什么意思 boy-scout的读音、翻译、用法

boy-scout是什么意思 boy-scout的读音、翻译、用法



1. He joined the boy-scouts when he was 10. (他xx岁时加入了童子军。)

2. The boy-scouts helped to clean up the park. (童子军帮助清理了公园。)

3. The boy-scouts are learning how to make a fire without matches. (童子军正在学习如何不使用火柴生火。)

4. She earned a badge for her boy-scout efforts. (她因为她的童子军工作获得了一枚徽章。)

5. The boy-scout motto is "Be Prepared". (童子军的座右铭是“做好准备”。)

6. He boy-scouted his way through the difficult terrain. (他通过童子军做法跨越艰难的地形。)

7. She is a boy-scout leader in her community. (她是她社区中的童子军领袖。)

8. The boy-scouts went camping in the wilderness. (童子军在荒野里野营。)

9. The boy-scouts of America celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2010. (美国童子军在xx年庆祝了他们的100周年。)

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