Chrysopa是什么意思 Chrysopa的读音、翻译、用法

Chrysopa是什么意思 Chrysopa的读音、翻译、用法



1. Chrysopa属于神经纤维类昆虫,是防治害虫的天然敌人。(中文翻译:Chrysopa is a kind of neurofiber insect, which is a natural enemy for controlling pests.)

2. 我们通过培育Chrysopa来防治冬小麦的害虫。(中文翻译:We cultivate Chrysopa to control pests in winter wheat.)

3. 这个农场使用Chrysopa有机防治它们的蔬菜作物。(中文翻译:This farm uses Chrysopa for organic pest control in their vegetable crops.)

4. Chrysopa的卵在田间很容易找到。(中文翻译:Chrysopa eggs are easy to find in the field.)

5. 眼前这只Chrysopa的翅膀像金色的火焰一样令人难以忘怀。(中文翻译:The wings of this Chrysopa before my eyes are unforgettable, like golden flames.)

6. Chrysopa的寿命只有两到三周。(中文翻译:The lifespan of a Chrysopa is only two to three weeks.)

7. 用Chrysopa寄生的虫子对多种害虫都有很好的控制作用。(中文翻译:Insects parasitized by Chrysopa have good control effects on multiple pests.)

8. Chrysopa在多数情况下都是可以食用的。(中文翻译:Chrysopa is edible in most cases.)

9. 因为Chrysopa的狩猎风格和速度,它们也被称为“草原猎人”。(中文翻译:Because of their hunting style and speed, Chrysopa are also known as "prairie hunters".)

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