Rocky是什么意思 Rocky的读音、翻译、用法

Rocky是什么意思 Rocky的读音、翻译、用法

Rocky不是一个国家的语言,而是一个英语单词,意为“多岩石的,多石的”,常用于描述地形,例如Rocky Mountains(落基山脉),Rocky Beach(多石滩)。在电影《洛基》中,Rocky是主角的名字,也成为了这个词的另一个常见用法。


1. The trail was difficult to navigate due to the rocky terrain.(由于多岩石地形,这条小路很难走)

2. The fishermen cast their lines into the rocky cove.(渔民把钓鱼线投入多石的海湾里)

3. Climbing the rocky cliff was a challenge for even the most experienced mountaineers.(攀爬多石的悬崖是对就算是最有经验的登山者也是一项挑战)

4. The river flowed through a rocky gorge, creating a spectacular sight.(河流在多石的峡谷中流淌,形成了壮观的景象)

5. Rocky Balboa was a beloved character in the film industry.(洛基·巴尔博亚是电影界深受喜爱的角色)

6. The beach was not sandy, but rather rocky and rugged.(这片海滩不是沙滩,而是多石且崎岖的)

7. The rocky landscape was barren and devoid of any vegetation.(多岩石的风景凄凉荒芜,没有任何植被)

8. The hikers were relieved to finally reach the top of the rocky mountain.(徒步旅行者终于攀登到多石山顶,松了一口气)

9. The cliff diver took a leap off the side of the rocky cliff.(悬崖跳水者从多岩石的悬崖上跃下)

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