'Hugh Laurie'是英语中的一个名字,翻译成中文为“休·劳瑞”。他是一位英国演员、音乐家、作家和导演,因主演美剧《豪斯医生》中的格雷戈里·豪斯医生一角而广为人知。
以下是9个含有'Hugh Laurie'的例句:
1. Hugh Laurie is a talented actor who has won numerous awards for his performances.(休·劳瑞是一位才华横溢的演员,因其表演而获得了无数奖项。)
2. I really enjoy listening to Hugh Laurie's blues music.(我非常喜欢听休·劳瑞的蓝调音乐。)
3. Hugh Laurie's book "The Gun Seller" is a thrilling read.(休·劳瑞的书《枪手》是一本令人激动的读物。)
4. Hugh Laurie directed several episodes of "House" during its run.(休·劳瑞在《豪斯医生》的播出期间执导了几集。)
5. Hugh Laurie is a multitalented entertainer who can do it all.(休·劳瑞是一位多才多艺的娱乐人士,无所不能。)
6. I was impressed by Hugh Laurie's performance in the movie "Tomorrowland".(我对休·劳瑞在电影《明日世界》中的表演印象深刻。)
7. Hugh Laurie is known for his dry wit and sarcastic sense of humor.(休·劳瑞因其幽默的干练和讽刺的幽默感而闻名。)
8. Hugh Laurie's portrayal of Dr. House was so convincing that many people thought he was actually a medical doctor.(休·劳瑞对豪斯医生的刻画如此逼真,以至于许多人以为他实际上是一名医生。)
9. Hugh Laurie's voice acting in "The Simpsons" was hilarious.(休·劳瑞在《辛普森一家》中的配音非常搞笑。)