'Wu Jingzi'是中文词语,翻译成英文是 "Wu Jingzi"。Wu Jingzi(1701-1754),字东篱,号观堂,清代作家。他的代表作是《儒林外史》,被誉为中国古典小说的经典之作。该小说以乾隆年间的科场为背景,揭露和批判了当时士人的丑恶行径和虚伪面目,具有很大的文学价值和社会意义。
以下是9个含有'Wu Jingzi'的例句:
1. 听说这次文艺活动的主题是关于Wu Jingzi的文学作品。
Translation: I heard that the theme of this literary event is about the literary works of Wu Jingzi.
2. 在教室里,老师正在讲解Wu Jingzi的《儒林外史》。
Translation: In the classroom, the teacher is explaining Wu Jingzi's "The Scholars".
3. 我之前没听说过Wu Jingzi,但现在我更了解了他的文学成就。
Translation: I didn't know about Wu Jingzi before, but now I have a better understanding of his literary achievements.
4. 你看过Wu Jingzi的小说吗?你觉得他的作品如何?
Translation: Have you read Wu Jingzi's novels? What do you think of his works?
5. 这位学者正在研究Wu Jingzi的作品,以更深入地了解中国古典文学。
Translation: This scholar is studying Wu Jingzi's works to gain a deeper understanding of classical Chinese literature.
6. 我们的中文课程要求我们阅读Wu Jingzi的小说,以提高我们的语言水平。
Translation: Our Chinese course requires us to read Wu Jingzi's novels to improve our language proficiency.
7. 他的散文风格清新自然,有时被称为类似于Wu Jingzi的作品。
Translation: His prose style is fresh and natural, sometimes referred to as similar to the works of Wu Jingzi.
8. 在Wu Jingzi的小说中,他刻画了许多形象鲜明的角色,让人印象深刻。
Translation: In Wu Jingzi's novels, he portrays many vivid characters that leave a deep impression on people.
9. 在中国文学史上,Wu Jingzi是一个重要的作家和思想家,他的作品深刻地反映了当时社会的现实和人性弱点。
Translation: In the history of Chinese literature, Wu Jingzi is an important writer and thinker, and his works reflect deeply the realities and weaknesses of society and human nature at that time.