Eotetranychus carpini是什么意思 Eotetranychus carpini的读音、翻译、用法

Eotetranychus carpini是什么意思 Eotetranychus carpini的读音、翻译、用法

'Eotetranychus carpini' 是拉丁语,中文翻译为“榛子赤蓟螨”,是一种常见的植物害虫。它属于蜘蛛螨科,在榛子、卫矛、蒲公英等植物上繁殖。该害虫主要靠吸食植物汁液为生,从而导致植物叶片凋萎、失绿、甚至死亡等现象。

以下是9个含有'Eotetranychus carpini'的例句:

1. Eotetranychus carpini is a common plant pest in many regions of the world.(榛子赤蓟螨是世界上许多地区常见的植物害虫。)

2. The infestation of Eotetranychus carpini can cause severe damage to the leaves of the host plant.(榛子赤蓟螨的侵染可以对寄主植物的叶片造成严重的损害。)

3. Insecticides are commonly used to control the population of Eotetranychus carpini.(杀虫剂常用于控制榛子赤蓟螨的数量。)

4. The life cycle of Eotetranychus carpini includes egg, larva, nymph, and adult stages.(榛子赤蓟螨的生命周期包括卵、幼虫、若虫和成虫等阶段。)

5. The presence of Eotetranychus carpini can be detected by observing the leaves for signs of damage.(可以通过观察叶片受损的迹象来检测榛子赤蓟螨的存在。)

6. The reproduction of Eotetranychus carpini is favored by warm and dry conditions.(榛子赤蓟螨的繁殖受温暖干燥的条件所促进。)

7. Eotetranychus carpini is also known as the hazelnut spider mite.(榛子赤蓟螨也被称为榛子蜘蛛螨。)

8. Biological control methods such as the use of predatory mites can be effective in managing Eotetranychus carpini.(使用掠食性蜘蛛螨等生物控制方法可以有效地管理榛子赤蓟螨。)

9. The damage caused by Eotetranychus carpini can reduce the yield and quality of crops.(榛子赤蓟螨所造成的损害会降低作物的产量和质量。)

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