'George Hincapie'这个词语来自于英语。它是指一位美国自行车运动员,退役后成为了一名自行车队领队,而且还曾经是兰斯·阿姆斯特朗的亲密战友。
以下是9个含有'George Hincapie'的例句:
1. George Hincapie在运动员时代就领先于其他选手。
(George Hincapie was ahead of other riders during his career as an athlete.)
2. 在引领队员时,George Hincapie总是充满自信。
(George Hincapie always exudes confidence when leading his teammates.)
3. George Hincapie在环法自行车赛中获得了多次胜利。
(George Hincapie has won numerous times in the Tour de France.)
4. 作为一名骑手,George Hincapie是绝对的勇士。
(As a rider, George Hincapie was an absolute warrior.)
5. George Hincapie在年轻时就展现了出色的天赋。
(George Hincapie showed outstanding talent at a young age.)
6. George Hincapie的职业生涯是兰斯·阿姆斯特朗的重要组成部分。
(George Hincapie's career was an important part of Lance Armstrong's success.)
7. George Hincapie退役后将自己的经验传授给了下一代的选手。
(After retiring, George Hincapie passed on his experience to the next generation of riders.)
8. 在他的领导下,George Hincapie的队员们一直表现出色。
(Under his leadership, George Hincapie's team always performed well.)
9. 每一次George Hincapie出场都能让观众们兴奋不已。
(Every time George Hincapie appeared, the audience was excited.)