Colchicum是什么意思 Colchicum的读音、翻译、用法

Colchicum是什么意思 Colchicum的读音、翻译、用法



1. Colchicum autumnale is a poisonous plant commonly found in Europe and Asia. (秋水仙属植物多年生草本植物,广泛分布于欧洲和亚洲,具有毒性。)

2. The alkaloid colchicine is extracted from the seeds of Colchicum autumnale. (从秋水仙属的种子中提取出生物碱秋水仙碱。)

3. Colchicum variegatum is a rare species found only in certain parts of Turkey. (秋水仙属的一个珍稀种,只分布于土耳其的特定地区。)

4. The flowers of Colchicum hungaricum are deep pink in color. (匈牙利秋水仙属的花朵呈深粉色。)

5. Colchicum luteum is also known as the yellow autumn crocus. (黄秋水仙属也被称为“黄秋季水仙”。)

6. Colchicum kesselringii is a newly discovered species from the Caucasus region. (克而林秋水仙属是来自高加索地区的新发现的物种。)

7. The leaves of Colchicum speciosum are broad and lance-shaped. (华丽秋水仙属的叶子宽而长,呈长矛形。)

8. Colchicum corsicum is a species endemic to the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea. (科西嘉秋水仙属是一种特有物种,只分布于地中海的科西嘉岛。)

9. Colchicum cilicicum is named after the Cilician region of Anatolia in Turkey. (锡利西亚秋水仙属是以土耳其安纳托利亚地区的锡利西亚命名的。)

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