Heterodera schachtii是什么意思 Heterodera schachtii的读音、翻译、用法

Heterodera schachtii是什么意思 Heterodera schachtii的读音、翻译、用法

'Heterodera schachtii'是拉丁语,为一种植物寄生性线虫,常称为甜菜胡萝卜线虫。它可以感染甜菜、胡萝卜、土豆等作物,造成严重的病害。

以下是9个包含'Heterodera schachtii'的例句:

1. The damage caused by Heterodera schachtii often goes unnoticed until extensive root damage has been done.(甜菜胡萝卜线虫所造成的损害通常在根系受到严重破坏之前不易察觉。)

2. Heterodera schachtii is a major threat to sugar beet production in many regions of the world.(甜菜胡萝卜线虫对于世界许多地区的糖菜生产构成威胁。)

3. The high resistance of some cultivars to Heterodera schachtii makes them ideal for inclusion in integrated pest management programs.(一些品种对甜菜胡萝卜线虫的高度抗性使其成为综合虫害管理计划中的理想选择。)

4. Heterodera schachtii can survive in the soil for many years, making crop rotation an important tool for controlling its spread.(甜菜胡萝卜线虫可以在土壤中存活多年,因此作物轮作是控制其传播的重要手段。)

5. The symptoms of Heterodera schachtii infestation include stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and reduced yield.(甜菜胡萝卜线虫感染的症状包括生长受阻、叶片发黄和产量降低。)

6. Heterodera schachtii is difficult to control with chemical pesticides, as it can develop resistance to them over time.(甜菜胡萝卜线虫对化学农药的防治较为困难,因为它可以随着时间的推移而产生抗性。)

7. The life cycle of Heterodera schachtii involves both egg and juvenile stages, with the juvenile stage being the most damaging to crops.(甜菜胡萝卜线虫的生命周期包括卵和幼虫阶段,其中幼虫阶段对农作物的破坏最为严重。)

8. Farmers can prevent Heterodera schachtii infestation by using certified seed and practicing crop rotation.(农民可以通过使用认证种子和实施作物轮作来预防甜菜胡萝卜线虫感染。)

9. Heterodera schachtii is a serious problem for organic farmers, as they are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides to control it.(甜菜胡萝卜线虫对有机农民来说是一个严重的问题,因为他们不允许使用合成农药来控制它。)

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