1. Plagiorchis是一种常见的吸虫,常寄生在鸟类和哺乳动物体内。
(Plagiorchis is a common trematode that often parasitizes birds and mammals.)
2. 最近的研究表明,某些Plagiorchis物种在寄生宿主身上会引起危险的病症。
(Recent studies suggest that certain species of Plagiorchis can cause dangerous problems in their host animals.)
3. Plagiorchis属于寄生虫学中的吸虫科。
(Plagiorchis belong to the trematode family in parasitology.)
4. 这个研究小组发现,某些Plagiorchis物种有利于宿主的健康。
(The research team found that certain species of Plagiorchis are beneficial for their host's health.)
5. 由于Plagiorchis寄生在肝脏中,因此可以通过检查宿主的肝胆系统来检测其存在。
(As Plagiorchis parasitizes in the liver, its presence can be detected by examining the host's hepatobiliary system.)
6. 许多鸟类和哺乳动物可能会感染Plagiorchis寄生虫。
(Many species of birds and mammals may become infected with Plagiorchis parasites.)
7. Plagiorchis与人类没有直接关联,但是人类可能通过食用受感染的动物肉来感染此类寄生虫。
(Plagiorchis is not directly associated with humans, but people may become infected by consuming infected animal meat.)
8. 这次研究证实了Plagiorchis的某些物种对提高鸟类的生存能力有一定的帮助。
(This study confirmed that certain species of Plagiorchis can help improve the survival rate of birds.)
9. Plagiorchis的研究仍然在继续,科学家们希望能够更好地了解吸虫学和动物寄生虫的生态系统。
(Research on Plagiorchis continues, and scientists hope to better understand the ecology of trematodes and animal parasites.)