1. The car's transmission is a complex system that helps control the speed and power of the vehicle.(汽车的传动系统是一个复杂的系统,可以帮助控制车辆的速度和动力)
2. The radio station's transmission tower broadcasts the signal to a wide area.(广播电台的发射塔可以将信号广播到一个广阔的区域)
3. The information is being transmitted via satellite.(信息正在通过卫星传输)
4. The transmission of the virus can be prevented by wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently.(戴口罩、经常洗手可以预防病毒的传播)
5. The bike's transmission needs to be checked regularly to ensure it is functioning properly.(自行车的传动系统需要定期检查以确保其正常工作)
6. The company's transmission of sensitive data is secured by encryption technology.(公司对敏感数据的传输采用了加密技术保障安全)
7. The TV station's transmission was interrupted due to technical difficulties.(由于技术故障,电视台的传输被中断了)
8. The electrical transmission lines are responsible for carrying power from the power plant to homes and businesses.(电力输电线路负责将电力从发电厂输送到家庭和企业)
9. The information received from the satellite transmission was crucial in the search and rescue mission.(从卫星传输接收到的信息对搜救任务至关重要)