Wendy’s是什么意思 Wendy’s的读音、翻译、用法

Wendy’s是什么意思 Wendy’s的读音、翻译、用法




1. I had a burger at Wendy’s for lunch.(我午餐在温迪吃了个汉堡。)

2. Wendy’s fries are delicious.(温迪的薯条很好吃。)

3. My favorite drink at Wendy’s is the chocolate frosty.(我在温迪最喜欢的饮品是巧克力霜冻。)

4. Wendy’s has a good selection of salads for a fast food restaurant.(对于快餐店来说,温迪有很好的沙拉品种。)

5. I always get a spicy chicken sandwich at Wendy’s.(我总是在温迪点一个辣鸡肉三明治。)

6. Wendy’s has a promotion right now where you can get a free drink with any meal.(温迪现在有一个促销活动,任何一餐都可以免费获得一杯饮料。)

7. I used to work at Wendy’s when I was in high school.(我高中时在温迪打过工。)

8. When I’m in a rush, I always go to the drive-thru at Wendy’s.(当我赶时间时,我总是去温迪的汽车餐厅取餐。)

9. My friend is a manager at Wendy’s and she loves her job.(我朋友在温迪担任经理,她很喜欢她的工作。)

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