1. Mandrillus sphinx是非洲的狒狒,体型较大,鼻子上有一个很大的红色瘤.
(Mandrillus sphinx is an African mandrill with a large physique and a big red lump on its nose.)
2. 山猫狒狒(Mandrillus leucophaeus)是少数仅在尼日利亚、喀麦隆和赤道几内亚发现的狒狒。
(The drill monkey (Mandrillus leucophaeus) is one of the few monkeys found only in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea.)
3. 这只狒狒(Mandrillus)身上的毛非常多,看起来棕色而且波浪状。
(The mandrill has a lot of hair which looks brown and wavy.)
4. 这只山猫狒狒(Mandrillus leucophaeus)的面部皮肤呈现灰色,嘴唇和眼睛周围的皮肤呈现明显的黄色。
(The face of the drill monkey (Mandrillus leucophaeus) appears gray, with yellow skin around the lips and eyes.)
5. 狒狒属(Mandrillus)是大型的猴子,很少在动物园里看到。
(Mandrills are large monkeys that are rarely seen in zoos.)
6. 该物种(Mandrillus sphinx)一般生活在西部和中部非洲的荒野和雨林中。
(The species (Mandrillus sphinx) generally lives in the wild and rainforests of Western and Central Africa.)
7. 山猫狒狒(Mandrillus leucophaeus)在自然界中面临灭绝危险。
(The drill monkey (Mandrillus leucophaeus) faces the danger of extinction in the wild.)
8. 由于其颜色鲜艳,狒狒属(Mandrillus)也受到了非法捕捉者的盯上。
(Due to their bright colors, mandrills have also been targeted by illegal trappers.)
9. 狒狒属(Mandrillus)的雌性会与雄性的竞争力进行评估,以选择配对的伴侣。
(Female mandrills evaluate the dominance of males to choose their mating partners.)