Penaeaceae是什么意思 Penaeaceae的读音、翻译、用法

Penaeaceae是什么意思 Penaeaceae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Penaeaceae family includes many ornamental shrubs and trees.(对虾科家庭包括许多观赏灌木和树木。)

2. The flowers of Penaeaceae are usually brightly colored and showy.(对虾科的花通常色彩鲜艳,展现出炫目的美丽。)

3. Some species of Penaeaceae are used in traditional medicine for their therapeutic properties.(对虾科的某些物种因其治疗属性而在传统医学中被使用。)

4. The Penaeaceae family is native to South America, but has been introduced to other parts of the world.(对虾科家族起源于南美洲,但已经被引种到世界其他地区。)

5. The leaves of Penaeaceae are often simple and leathery, and may be arranged opposite or alternate.(对虾科的叶子通常是简单的皮质,可能是对生或交替排列。)

6. The fruit of Penaeaceae is usually a capsule or berry, containing numerous small seeds.(对虾科的果实通常是一个囊或浆果,含有许多小种子。)

7. The Penaeaceae family is closely related to the Melastomataceae family.(对虾科家族与金花茶科家族密切相关。)

8. Penaeaceae plants are often propagated by cuttings or seeds.(对虾科植物通常通过扦插或种子繁殖。)

9. Some species of Penaeaceae are important sources of nectar for bees and other pollinators.(对虾科的某些物种是蜜蜂和其他授粉者的重要蜜源。)

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